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Carlo Costanzia, on his photos kissing with Alejandra Rubio: We met a day before

Carlo Costanzia, on his photos kissing with Alejandra Rubio: We met a day before

Semana magazine carried an exclusive on its cover this Wednesday that affected two of today’s most influential young people. In a bar in Madrid, television star Alejandra Rubio and actor Carlo Costanzia kissed passionately as if they were two lovers. A totally unexpected relationship that the two have spoken about on several occasions in the last two days.

Although the two have made it clear that they are not dating and that they are still getting to know each other, the excitement that both express is indisputable. The last to do so was the actor, who rose to fame for his participation in Toy Boy, thanks to the questions from the television program Let’s see.

Ms above Carlo Costanzia

  • Terelu Campos’ daughter and Mar Flores’ son grace the cover of Semana magazine, where they appear passionately kissing on the street.

  • The legal problems of Mar Flores’ son would have taken their toll on his romance with the popular actress, as Angela Portero claims.

We are getting to know each other, we have met very recently. Obviously, you have brought it out first. What happens next will be seen. It would be great if we could have something normal and calmer, you can’t define everything by a kiss. If you go to a bar and meet someone and have a kiss, it’s not like the beginning of you getting married, but I know that you’re going to meet a person, Mar Flores’ son has begun.

Even so, the most surprising of his statements was when he stated that they met just one day before the photographs were taken. We are not in any relationship, we are getting to know each other. We met one day before our photos were taken.Costanzia continued.

Furthermore, although they do not want to put a label on what they are beginning to experience, Carlo does not skimp on praise for his partner and regrets the treatment she is receiving from the media. Alejandra is a very good girl and so am I. I feel bad that he responds very politely, even though I don’t like it, and then on TV people say bad things about me. I would love to receive some more respect, since I believe that I have not done anything wrong to anyone and I have clarified three times that I am serving a sentence that I should not be serving, it has ended.

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