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Carlo Costanzia talks about his conviction for fraud and his addiction to drugs

Carlo Costanzia talks about his conviction for fraud and his addiction to drugs

Carlo Costanzia, sentenced to 21 months in prison for fraud through a high-end car sales business, has given his first interview after learning of the court ruling. The son of Mar Flores has reappeared in ‘Espejo Público’ where it has opened up on the channel in an interview with Susanna Griso where he has talked about his current situation and has confessed his addiction to drugs, as well as having suffered bullying and depression in his childhood and adolescence.

“I have been the useful fool and one more harmed in this story,” he begins by saying after receiving his sentence. A penalty that awaits with a telematic bracelet for previous crimes related to road safety. And it is that the actor of ‘Toy Boy’ accumulates up to 105 fines for speeding. According to ‘Y Ahora Sonsoles’, the young man has already been to jail up to two times, so, having numerous criminal records, he could return to prison for this new crime.

Regarding his controversial business of buying and selling luxury cars, Carlo Costanzia says: “I wanted to have something fixed because the world of acting… So I associate with Roberto. I trust him, he comes to make me coffee every morning, he shows me a series of vehicles that he can sublet to me so that I can rent them. I create society. He asks me to make a payment of 20,000 euros and the supposed car never arrives ”. Mar Flores’ son insists on his innocence and that he was unaware that he was part of a fraud network.

“He justifies money that enters my company, sends me documentation and brings clients that I do not know until I find out that it was not legal. I have a recording where Roberto not only admits that he is the ringleader of this illegality, that I know nothing and that he has used me as a public image, ”she tells Susanna Griso. “He has me as a scapegoat for being a familiar face,” he adds.

Your criminal record

In ‘Espejo Público’, Carlo Costanzia confirms the information that has been circulating for several days about his criminal record. “I have several procedures for driving in state and without a driver’s license. I have had a problem of drug addiction, of alcoholism. I have been in a center for six months and I am going to therapy ”, she is sincere. Likewise, the actor reveals that addiction to hashish is what has cost him the most to leave and confirms that he wears a telematic bracelet on his foot that prevents him from leaving the Spanish capital.

“I cannot leave Madrid and my grandmother has been my fundamental pillar in life and because of the nonsense I have committed in my past, I have to comply and, although she is of a certain age and in a delicate state of health, until the resolution I cannot see her She can’t move. It’s very difficult, very cold and to think that I can’t see her again”, he laments.

Your drug addiction

“My first contact with substances was when I was ten or eleven years old. I start with alcohol, tobacco and then hashish. And then, the rest of substances. I am not so aware of the separation of my parents. The media chaos was an absolute storm. When I was six, seven or eight years old, I would go to the psychologist and he would prescribe me antidepressants.”, he says in ‘Espejo Público’. The most heartbreaking part of his testimony comes when the actor reveals that they had to remove the bolt from the door of his room because there was a risk of self-flagellation or physical punishment.

past trauma

Carlo Costanzia’s childhood and part of his adolescence have not been easy for him. “They have bullied me continuously since I was little, referring to my mother. The famous cover of my mother’s ‘Interviú’ appears with Alessandro Lequio in bed and they kick me out of the OPUS school knowing the problem of harassment and physical abuse”, he recalls.

Current employment situation

The son of Mar Flores is aware that his current problems with the law have fully affected his employment situation. “It is in the detox center where I face all my traumas. This has not only cost me personal relationships, but also work. On a mental level it is costing me a lot. There are days I don’t want to get out of bed. I have social panic ”, he concludes.

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