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Carmen Lomana responds to Paz Padilla: You cannot be more ordinary

Carmen Lomana responds to Paz Padilla: You cannot be more ordinary

The unexpected war between Carmen Lomana and Paz Padilla It is already without quarter. Although he had already responded to the first one to the stinging comments of the woman from Cádiz, a new question, this time before the microphones of Fiestathey have ended up unleashing hardness and fine irony from social.

It was Padilla who spoke first. And I looked at her (Lomana) and said: The ears reach the upper jaw. They are two breaded steaks. He looked at her and thought: If she gets lost in the Wax Museum, it will take three days to find her. My goodness, how hard it is for us to let go of our youth, eh?were the words I picked up Week.


  • The comedian has accumulated dozens of criticisms on Instagram after wallpapering her entire house with wrapping paper to surprise her daughter Anna Ferrer.

  • The presenter has admitted that she does not want to get into the gossip press again: I have enough with my problems.

Then, as if that were not enough, he added that Lomana was not the only one with that face, but that, on television, she was surrounded by mummies and that they were all the same: It looks like they did it with a hammer and chisel. The cheeks like that. All blondes. The lips that are two sausages. And the age, between 20 and 70 years.

Not even a minute for these

Lomana’s first blow was in Public Mirror. What am I going to say to such a person… She has portrayed herself, he asserted. Then she confessed that the comedian and television presenter apologized to her and that she clarified that everything had been humorous. This may not have increased the fire of the conflict, but the truth is that it has not appeased it either. I have told him that hiding behind humor is absurdLomana then concluded.

His last intervention would take up that attempt at forgiveness to deal an even greater blow. I don’t give a damn. You can’t be more ordinary. It was an ordinariness worthy of it, look who came to speakfencing, giving one more thrust with a cold and stiff: Not a minute for these.

Anger is categorical, and although it is not intended to scale other irascible peaks, social He also does not accept, yet, the excuse that Padilla gave. She hides herself behind humor, but I believe that to create humor you have to be intelligent.sentence.

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