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Carmen Sevilla, hospitalized in serious condition

Carmen Sevilla, hospitalized in serious condition

Carmen Sevilla has been admitted to a hospital in Madrid due to complications in her state of health. As reported by the portal FormulaTV On Sunday night, the presenter, singer and actress was transferred from the nursing home where she lives to a hospital and The first leaks suggest that his condition is serious, especially since his health was already delicate with Alzheimer’s who was diagnosed in 2009.

precisely that It was the illness that distanced her from public life. Just a year later she left neighborhood cinema in the hands of Concha Velasco and said goodbye to television, the medium to which he had given so much. Later she would make a couple more appearances for an interview with María Teresa Campos and to go as a guest to an old program on La 1 de Televisión Española.

True to his reserved character, when she left television no one knew that Carmen had Alzheimer’s disease. The harsh diagnosis was made public in 2012 and just three years later she was admitted to a residence to receive the most appropriate care. He was currently in the same place and unable to receive any visitors, as his son Augusto Algueró acknowledged..

“Long time sick”

Augusto himself opened up last September in an interview for Ten minutes in which he assured that his mother’s condition was already “complicated but stable within his situation.” Carmen Sevilla’s son assured that his mother no longer recognizes him and that “it is a tough and difficult situation for everyone. We’re doing the best we can, she’s been sick for a long time”.

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