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Catalonia 12M Election Results: who wins in each province and municipality in the Catalan elections?

Catalonia 12M Election Results: who wins in each province and municipality in the Catalan elections?

Citizens have been called to the polls to decide with their vote who will be the next president of the Generalitat. According to all the polls, including the CIS barometer and the 40db survey for Pas and SERSalvador Illa has an advantage in these elections and will be the winner, although he will need agreements with other candidates to be sworn in as the new president.

Elections in Catalua 12M, live: voting, scrutiny and live results

Election day has been marked by incidents occurred in the neighborhood networkas a consequence of the copper theft around 4:00 a.m. at the Montcada Bifurcaci station (Barcelona), which caused wiring fires of the signaling and interlocking system in the area around the Catalan capital. As a result of this incident, ERC and Junts requested the extension of the closure of polling stations in the municipalities of Barcelona and Tarragona affected by the cuts.

This year, in first update issued by the Government, at 1 p.m. the participation was 26.85%more than four points above that registered in 2021. At 6 p.m., this was 45.80%that is, almost identical figures compared to those of 2021 in that same time slot. It barely exceeds the figure from four years ago by 0.19 points.

The results in Barcelona

The province of Barcelona, ​​which contributes the largest number of deputies to the Parliament, had a Participation percentage at 6:00 p.m. of 46.23%the one that registered the most at that time in all of Catalonia, that is, 0.42 points more than in 2021.

The results in Girona

The province of Girona has recorded participation data at 6:00 p.m. 45.82%that is to say, 1.17 points less than in 2021, thus becoming one of the two provinces in which participation has decreased. (1.17 points less)

The results in Lleida

The province of Ilerdense is the one that has reported the least participation data in both advances. Its percentage is 43.31%, up to 2.64 points less than in 2021which is why it has been the province that has recorded the greatest decrease in participation.

The results in Tarragona

The Tarragona province was the third with the highest participation data at 1:00 p.m. In his case, the figure was 44.05%, just 1.28 points more than four years ago. Together with Barcelona, ​​it registers a slight rebound in votes.

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