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Cervical cancer: 65% of cases do not follow the 60-day law

Approximately six out of ten women (65.8%) with cervical cancer need to wait more than 60 days to be able to start treatment in Brazil, according to data from an unprecedented study by Cancer Foundation released at the end of December.

The term is longer than that provided by law 12,732/12, the 60-day Law, which determines the right of cancer patients to start treatment in the public network within 60 days after the diagnosis of the disease.

The data were published in the first edition of the info.oncollect bulletin, released in December 2022 by the institution. The information was collected from the databases of more than 300 hospitals for the Hospital Cancer Registry Integrator (iRHC) and collected between 2005 and 2019.

They reveal that, across the country, the waiting time for treatment of women who arrived at the hospital already with the diagnosis in hand is longer compared to those who arrived without the diagnosis.

In the North region, only two out of ten women (27.5%) underwent treatment within two months. In the Southeast, the percentage of patients treated on time is 30.4%. They appear followed by the Northeast (38.4%), South (38.8%) and Midwest (42.5%).

The survey also shows that more than half of cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed at an advanced stage, which indicates failures in the early detection of the disease.

“This fact implies a worse prognosis, higher mortality and lower survival for women”, suggests the Cancer Foundation. “The control of cervical cancer represents a huge challenge. For this year alone, the Ministry of Health estimates more than 16,000 new cases of the disease,” says the report.

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Cervical cancer is mainly caused by infection with the human papilloma virus (HPV), transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse. The virus is responsible for 95% of cases of cervical cancer in Brazil, according to the Cancer Foundation.

Every 100,000 women, 4.6 die from the disease in Brazil. The main risk factors are the early onset of sexual activity and the variety of partners. The disease may also be related to smoking and prolonged use of birth control pills.


The condom partially protects against HPV infection, which can also occur through contact with the skin of the vulva, perineal regions and scrotum.

The vaccine prevents against four types of the virus (6, 11, 16 and 18) and must be applied in two doses. The Unified Health System (SUS) provides the HPV vaccine for girls and boys aged 9 to 14 years. Immunization is offered to other age groups in private clinics.

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