Friday, January 13, 2023 | 4:21 p.m.

The national government regulated various tax changes provided for in the 2023 Budget Law, including modifications in the Income Tax deduction system and clarifications in the incorporation of the family group for the Monotributo social work contributions, through Decree 18/ 2023 published this Friday in the Official Gazette.

It should be remembered that as of January 1st, the Profit floors came into effect. Since then, the increase in the non-taxable minimum to 330,000 pesos has been made official.


Regarding the Income Tax, from this year it will be allowed to deduct up to 40% of the expenses destined to educational services of public and private establishments of all levels, including nurseries and maternal-infantile gardens.

This includes both teaching services and refreshment, lodging and transportation services that are provided by the establishments with their own means or those of others.

Tools used for these purposes, such as school supplies, overalls and uniforms, may also be deducted.

These deductions are valid for children under 18 years of age – considered as “family responsibilities” in the tax – and for those who are between 18 and 24 years of age, to the extent that they pursue “regular or professional studies of an art or trade, which prevents them from providing themselves with the necessary means to sustain themselves independently”.

truckers earnings

Another change in Earnings is aimed at trucker workers whose journey exceeds 100 kilometers from the usual place of work, to which the deduction ceiling will be raised for additional wages such as mobility expenses, travel expenses and food, thus adding the rest of the long-distance transport sector that were already covered by this benefit.

As officially reported when the modification was announced, “Truckers managed to respond to a historical claim, since it was the only transport union to date that paid earnings on meals, per diems, prizes and other salary supplements.”

The deductible sums may not exceed, in any case, the amount of the non-taxable profit for the fiscal period in question.


Finally, the Budget provides for an increase in the contributions to the social works of the monotributistas categories D to K, the highest categories, while those A, B and C -70% of the more than 1.9 million monotributistas – they will not have changes.

This change, which sets amounts for contributions between $3,638.26 for category D and $10,505.29 for category K, began to take effect as of this month.

The regulation clarifies that if a taxpayer wants to incorporate a member of his primary family group into the obras sociales regime, the same amount must be paid in order to ensure the “uniformity” of the system.


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