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Charlene of Monaco all smiles and radiant on the dance floor: these photos that have excited Internet users!

This Sunday, September 24, Charlene of Monaco visited the Association of Monegasque Seniors for a whole evening. She then shared a festive moment surrounded by the elders of the principality, which greatly touched Internet users.

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A tender moment! In recent years, Charlene of Monaco had greatly worried the inhabitants of the principality because of significant health problems which had forced her to stay a little longer in South Africa. The wife of Prince Albert II had undergone multiple ENT operations following a difficult infection. His Highness’ convalescence was very long, which forced him to distance himself from media life to rest for some time in Switzerland. Fortunately, after this long complicated and exhausting period, Charlene of Monaco feels better, even if her “state of health is still fragile”as she confided to Monaco Matin. “I don’t want to go too fast. The road has been long, difficult and so painful. Today, I feel more serene.” The Princess of Monaco also stated in the columns of Gala to have “concentrated all (his) energy on (their children(her) husband and (her) health” upon his return to Monaco.

Charlene of Monaco: this sweet moment surrounded by the elders of the principality

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Charlene of Monaco has resumed her place in the Monegasque family for several weeks and is once again fulfilling her duties alongside her husband Prince Albert II. This Sunday, September 24, she went alone to a dance evening of the Association of Monegasque Elders organized on the Place d’Armes. “She shared, for an evening, a warm and festive moment with the elders of the Principality”, indicated the royal family’s Instagram account. They also shared many photos from this event in which His Highness appears always with a big smile. Charlene of Monaco notably accepted a sublime bouquet of roses during this evening and also shared a dance on the floor with one of the elders.

Charlene of Monaco: Internet users are won over by the princess’s initiative

In the comments, Charlene of Monaco was unanimously approved by Internet users who widely praised her great initiative. “Well done. A beautiful princess inside and out and this new cut and color stunning as usual”, “Bravo and thank you for this great initiative! Princess Charlene is magnificent, as always”Charlene is a Princess with a heart of gold”, “Adorable Princess Charlene. A beautiful person” or “Magnificent and sweet Princess Charlene. The Monegasques are very lucky”we can read.

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