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Charles III of England, diagnosed with cancer

Charles III of England, diagnosed with cancer

The British Royal House has announced that the king Carlos III suffers from cancer. As confirmed by Buckingham Palace in a statement issued this Monday, it is not prostate cancer, but was discovered during his recent treatment for prostate enlargement.

This being the scenario, Carlos III, 75 years old, postpone their public commitments and delegate some of their obligations to other members of the British royal family. This maneuver is guaranteed through a constitutional mechanism that contemplates the possibility that the head of state may not be able to carry out his official duties and that makes possible the appointment of state councilors to replace the monarch.

The king remains entirely positive about his treatment and hopes to return to full public duties as soon as possible., said the aforementioned manifesto. However, the monarch continue to exercise its constitutional role who performs as Head of State, including procedures and private meetings.

His last appearance dates back to last Sunday, when he was seen at a religious event in Sandringham (Norfolk) greeting the crowd that was there. As they point out from the BBCthe king, who returned to the English capital from the aforementioned city this Monday, He has already started outpatient treatment.

From the first treatment to the news

More than a week ago, the king underwent a corrective procedure prostate in a private hospital in London. So Buckingham decided to make this process public with the intention of encourage other men to these reviews. And it was during this treatment that they discovered the existence of cancer.

During the King’s recent stay in hospital for benign enlarged prostate treatment, another problem was reported separately. Subsequent tests have ended up identifying a type of cancer, the text reads.

With the same enthusiasm that guided his recent visit to London Clinicfrom the Royal Household they insist that His Majesty has decided to share his diagnosis to avoid speculation and in the hope that it may help public understanding of all those around the world who are affected by cancer.

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