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Charles Poujade wins Ninja Warrior: "The last few years have been very hard…"

From the height of his 27 years, Charles Poujade has just won season 7 of ninja warrior after the two episodes of the final, broadcast on TF1! A first for the athlete, a parkour specialist. With three finals to his name, he had never been able to compete with the 23 meters of the Heroes’ Tower until then. The fourth attempt was therefore the right one. Faced with Clément Gravier, current winner, and three other finalists, Charles Poujade won in 27 seconds and 67 hundredths ! A feat, even if the French record of ninja warrior (25’16) was unbeaten this year. The winner of season 7 of the game by Denis Brogniart, Iris Mittenaere and Christophe Beaugrand gave us an interview.

“The last four years have been very hard…”

Tele-Leisure : How did you feel winning this season 7 of Ninja Warrior?

Charles Poujade: It is a consecration and relief after all my failed attempts over the past few seasons. It was my goal because I made everyone around me see green and unripe ones, especially my darling, with my training and an incredible pace of life for four years. But with determination and hard work, you can always go all the way.

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What made the difference this year?

The stars were aligned. And then my experience on ninja warrior played. The mentality was also different: I was more relaxed this season. While always being so serious about the preparation.

Do you follow a particular training?

Yes, it is show specific. It’s training on ninja courses, period. But I also have a very good base in the art of movement, parkour and gymnastics.

“JI have 70-80 hour weeks

How do you reconcile the (physically traumatic) journeys of ninja warrior with your degenerative back disease, discovered in adolescence?

It takes a lot of rigor in training to counter this handicap. You have to adapt, do a lot of sheathing and above all listen to your body.

How did you manage to beat the bosses of the program like Jean Tezenas du Montcel and Clement Gravier…

It’s a long-term fight because, basically, I’m not a climber. However, these profiles are often favored over ninja warrior because it takes a strength in the fingers that I do not have. So I had to work against the tide to measure myself against the biggest athletes in the program. The problem is that with my professional activity as a youtuber, I already have 70-80 hour weeks. So when you have to go train at midnight, it’s complicated. And having managed to combine the two is my biggest victory and my biggest fight. These last four years have been very hard but it has paid off.

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“Clément Gravier and I have the ability to lower this time”

The Tower of Heroes ascent record, set by Clément Gravier at 25’16can it be beaten?

We left for this year. Afterwards, there are always parameters that are difficult to explain. The rope felt harder and the climb felt longer. Maybe it’s due to the route before, which was more difficult. To our knowledge, Clément Gravier hasn’t lost any level on the rope… so it was very complicated this year. But we are happy to have passed under the symbolic bar of 30 seconds. We will have to train again, but we have this record in our boots ! Clément and I have the ability to lower this time.

How is the atmosphere between Ninjas behind the scenes?
It’s great because we meet every year. And then there are the new kids we meet. It’s always mutual aid and sharing. We always have a good time.

“Ninja Warrior gave me visibility”

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You are a sports coach and youtuber. ninja warrior did it bring you visibility?
Even before Ninja, I was already a content creator. But it’s true that the show brings me a little more visibility every year. In the street, people recognize me: I’m the guy from ninja warrior who does tricks on the Mega-Wall! (laughs)

Will you be back to put your title on the line next year, in season 8 ?

Yes, It’s non-negotiable on my side. (laughs) I hope the production will want me.

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