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Charlotte Gainsbourg "very touched" by Charles III’s tribute to Jane Birkin, Yvan Attal reveals a secret about the State dinner at Versailles

Guest on the show An hour with on RFM, Yvan Attal discussed many subjects, including the reaction “very touched” of his wife, Charlotte Gainsbourg, after the tribute paid by King Charles III to his mother, Jane Birkin, during the famous dinner organized at the Palace of Versailles.

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Sunday July 16, 2023, Charlotte Gainsbourg lost her mother, Jane Birkin. A terrible ordeal for the artist, who, at the microphone of Léa Salamé, confided that she had not expected it, in any case “not like this.” Following this sudden death, many artists paid tributes to Jane Birkin. During the recent state dinner given at the Palace of Versailles on the occasion of the visit of the King of England, even Charles III recalled his esteem for “the most French of the British” in a short opening text. Sunday, October 1, in An hour withon RFM, Yvan Attal recounted his wife’s reaction to discovering these words.

Jane Birkin, “the most French of the British”, honored by Charles III

Charlotte was present at the dinner at Versailles with the king and Camilla. A few hours earlier, she was the guest of France Inter. She had declared her intention to go there and “play the game to the fullest”. Something she was right to do, since, fully dressed in her long dress which caused her a mishap, she was able to discover her mother’s name on the card distributed to the guests at the start of the dinner. “Mr. President, the long history of our nation has been written by countless extraordinary men and women, from William the Conqueror to Big Mustache de La Grande Vadrouille, and from Éleonore d’Aquitaine to the late, incredible Jane Birkin, the most French of the British, who helped define our shared destiny, on screen and in real life“, it was written there.

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Charlotte Gainsbourg “very touched” by the tribute paid to his mother at the royal dinner at Versailles

Lou Douillon’s sister knew that her mother was greatly appreciated for her kindness and generosity. But that didn’t stop her from being extremely moved to see that yet another tribute was being paid to her, and what’s more by the King of England. “Charlotte was very touched by that”Yvan Attal modestly told Bernard Montiel. We will not know more about the exact reaction of the one who recently proposed to him. We nevertheless know that that evening, Charlotte Gainsbourg had relayed on Instagram photos of the menu distributed to the guests of this prestigious dinner. Delighted by this wink to her mother, she underlined the sentence written in French in the text: “Jane Birkin, the most French of the British.” And Charlotte Gainsbourg, forever the proudest of girls.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias

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