Chef David Peregrina and his wife were murdered over a debt

The world of gastronomy dressed in mourning a few days ago as a result of the murder of David Peregrina Capfrom 53 to, and his wife, Rica da Silva Santos38 years old, both found dead in the restaurant they ran in the tourist town of safe harboron Pau do Macaco Island (Brazil).

Weeks later, The Brazilian Police have issued a statement in which they state that the main hypothesis is that the couple was murdered at the hands of a former employee of their gastronomic business.. The reason? An act of revenge motivated by the fault of a debt that the chef contracted with this person. The suspect has been identified as Eliandro Loureno de Menezes, although his whereabouts are unknown. The Police have issued an arrest warrant.

The report states that the alleged murderer would have ended the lives of the Spanish cook and his wife because the couple He expressed his refusal to hand over ownership of the islet where the restaurant is located.. A promise that the couple made as payment for his services, but that they never fulfilled. Peregrina rejected the transfer of this property, given that she was considering a search and arrest warrant for drug trafficking against the accused. A son of the suspect, whose identity is anonymous, is being investigated after surrendering to the Porto Seguro authorities.

Convicted of fraud

After the murder, It came to light that David Peregrina was convicted by the courts of Mallorca more than a decade ago for crimes of fraud, misappropriation and falsification of documents. The chef fled to Brazil after being declared wanted after failing to appear in court. He was one of the 28 accused of a plot called phantom mortgages. He carried out a plan in which he set up a network of false mortgage loans between 2003 and 2004, where he obtained more than two million euros thanks to his status as director of a bank branch.

In 2012, the trial was held, but the cook was not present. The majority of the accused were young people who signed these false mortgages for an amount around 1,000 euros. The chef was sentenced to three years and nine months in prison for this reason.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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