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Chef Gordon Ramsay suffers a bicycle accident: The helmet saved my life

Chef Gordon Ramsay suffers a bicycle accident: The helmet saved my life

The chef Gordon Ramsay has become one of the great protagonists of recent days, although this time it is not related to the world of cooking, but for an accident he suffered while riding a bicycleand that has left great consequences.

The famous presenter of the Nightmare in the Kitchen program has shared through his Instagram profile a series of images in which he shows how he has been after suffering said accident, and in which he also points outI know the importance of wearing a helmet: I’m lucky to be herehe began by explaining.

Gordon Ramsay, through a post on his Instagram profile, has shown the serious consequences that have been left on his body in the form of a hematoma on the left side of his torso. An injury that he has accompanied with a message with which he seeks to raise awareness of the importance of the helmet: I have a very important message for all parents. Wear your helmet! This week I was in an accident while biking in Connecticut. I’m fine, I haven’t broken any bones or suffered any serious injuries, but I’m a little bruised, looking like a purple potato..

Emphasize the importance of wearing a helmet

The renowned chef wanted to thank all the medical staff who treated him: I am grateful for all the doctors, nurses and staff at Lawerence + Memorial Hospital in New London who cared for me and checked on me.but very grateful for my helmet that saved my life. Have a great Father’s Day and take care of yourselves.

A message to which he added another while recounting the events in his publication, Ramsay commenting that the use of a helmet is very important, also comparing the images of how he was doing before the accident, and how his helmet looked: I don’t care about the journey and that it costs money. Even children, on a short trip, should carry it. It’s been a hard week, but I can’t stop repeating the importance of wearing a helmetit is finished.

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