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Chiara Ferragni, with an open heart: confirms a strong crisis with Fedez

Chiara Ferragni, with an open heart: confirms a strong crisis with Fedez

All of Italy was paralyzed on Sunday night to listen attentively to the testimony of Chiara Ferragni in her first public appearance after her multiple scandals. The influencer visited the set of the program Che tempo che fai on Channel 9 to address his reputation crisis and shed some light on his romantic situation after several local media pointed to a possible breakup with Fedez, the rapper with whom she has two children.

Chiara Ferragni, who continues to be investigated by the Milan Prosecutor’s Office for a serious crime of fraud in relation to the sale of certain products for alleged charitable purposes, has already been fined through her companies Fenice and TBS Crew with 400,000 and 675,000 euros, respectively. , after the justice system branded their practices as unfair. As a result of this, the influencer has lost juicy advertising contracts with brands that do not want to be linked to it while the facts are not fully clarified. A question that she has spoken about in Che tempo che fai.

You would think that someone like me would be prepared for a wave of hate like this, but nothing prepares you for the violence of certain attacks, the young woman begins by saying. She thought she had done a work of charity, in good faith. If some people didn’t understand it that way, it means things should have been explained better.he emphasizes.

Likewise, the influencer sticks out her chest to those who question that she has used her marital crisis to remove the media focus from what is happening with her at the judicial level. Unfortunately, it is not a strategy. I wish I knew how to get out of this. There are people who understand you 100% and then there are other people who see that something is wrong, he says.

Despite the bad moment she is going through both personally and professionally, Chiara Ferragni prefers to downplay her own: My story is very small compared to the tragedies that happen in the world.

Strong crisis with her husband

The young woman, mother of Leone and Vittoria, wanted to be honest about the public exposure that her relationship with Fedez has been experiencing for seven years: We knew that privacy did not exist for us, we decided. We have both always told the story of our lives publicly.. There is no difference between the virtual world and life, but that is only a small part of my daily life. I don’t tell other things, but what you see there is authentic, he adds.

Going fully into the rumors of a breakup with the rapper, Chiara Ferragni points out: Federico and I have spoken. We are adults who love each other. We are not going to close those ties overnight. We have had periods of crisis in the past, but this strong crisis is a little more than the others.

Fabio Fazio, presenter of Che tempo che fai, did not want to end the interview without first asking if it was a temporary separation or not. Let’s see, I don’t know… We’ll see.she responded while still wearing her wedding ring.

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