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Chiara Ferragni’s hell continues: the Prosecutor’s Office investigates another of her campaigns

Chiara Ferragni's hell continues: the Prosecutor's Office investigates another of her campaigns

New setback for Chiara Ferragni. The most important influencer in the world is experiencing some of the most chaotic months on both a personal and professional level. In the most private area of ​​her life, the Italian is estranged from Ferez, the father of her two children with whom she has had a relationship for seven years. At work, heThe Milan Prosecutor’s Office investigates another of his supposedly charitable campaignsin this case, a collaboration with the Galician brand Oreo, owned by Mondelez Italia.

The matter, already known as the Oreo Case, It is within the framework of the investigation for aggravated fraud against Chiara Ferragni. A few weeks ago, the influencer already had to face a million-dollar fine for selling pandoros with the Balocco brand for false charitable purposes where it was promised that the proceeds would go to the Regina Margherita Hospital in Turin to acquire new machinery for therapeutic treatment. with osteosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma.

Now, the suspicions of the Milan Prosecutor’s Office extend to the action carried out with Oreo in 2020, as published by El Mundo, in addition to those carried out with the Dolci Preziosi Easter eggs or the Trudi doll. At that time, the Italian promoted on her social networks a special edition of cookies with which he assured that the income obtained would go to charitable organizations in the fight against covid. It was never intended to be an act of charity, the food company assures, making it clear that it was an autonomous decision of the influencer to advertise it in that way.

Several members of the GDF Economic and Financial Police went to the offices of the Mondelez Italia headquarters in Milan this Thursday with an order to hand over documents. The agents They inspected the contracts, as well as the exchange of emails between the two parties, in order to clarify the facts. In the coming days, witnesses and suspects will be called to testify.

Canceled on social networks

From this controversy over alleged fraud, Chiara Ferragni’s social media activity has completely changed. Gone are the publications where ostentation reigned, showing off important luxury brands and a life in full swing; Now, the Italian chooses to show her almost thirty million followers much more familiar images in the company of her two sons: Leo and Vitto.

Likewise, the businesswoman is experiencing a considerable loss of followers on her Instagram account, her main work tool. According to the Jaleos portal, Over the last month he has lost around 200,000 followers. Companies such as Coca-Cola and Safilo have also decided to break their ties with it.

Your most anticipated interview

Chiara Ferragni plans to reappear next Sunday, March 3, on Italian television, specifically on the program Che tempo che fa, where He will grant his most anticipated interview since it is the first one he has given after his multiple controversies and his recent breakup with Fedez. The businesswoman and the singer said I do in September 2018 after two years of dating, and with Leone, her firstborn, as an exceptional witness. In 2021 little Vittoria came into the world.

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