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Chinese horoscope: what are the three signs that will not have a good time in 2023

The end of the year is coming and the 45 million Argentines are living a glorious moment. The triumph of the National Team in Qatar keeps the spirit high and with enthusiasm. However, some signs of Chinese horoscope they will have to prepare for a not-so-satisfying 2023.

According to the experts in oriental astrology, the year that is about to begin will bring problems for certain members of the Chinese horoscope. This does not mean that they will have a bad year, but that they must overcome certain obstacles.

It will be the end of the reign of the Tiger and that is why a difficult year is coming.

The year that begins in February 2023 will have the influence of the Water Rabbit and, because of it, there are three signs of the Chinese horoscope they will not have good fortune. One of them is the Rat, which will go through some conflicts in the professional field.

In this case, the members of this sign of the eastern calendar they will have to counteract the envy of co-workers or ambitious bosses, since that could affect their own project. The important thing will be to be calm and not respond to provocations.

Ties at work will have some earthquakes for Rats.

Another of the signs that will have a lot to learn in the coming year is the Tiger. Those who integrate this sign run a certain risk of neglecting health issues and that will force them to go to the doctor.

But, in addition, the worries will cause you to have domestic accidents, some serious. They will not be able to postpone any more the assistance to any clinic and to undergo the necessary health check-ups.

The horoscope also warns about health problems.

Heart problems

Among the signs of Chinese horoscope who will have to resolve personal issues is the Rooster, who will be more affected and will have to go through a real storm emotionally and as a couple.

Those who are Rooster will have to go through couple issues.

As the stars mention, this sign will have to resolve certain inconveniences and tensions at home that will alter the harmony that kept them together this year. The experts advise appealing to dialogue and respect.

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