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Chocolate MC afflicted by another love disappointment


When everything seemed to be going smoothly and under full sail with his new love relationship, Chocolate MC he has once again had to face disappointment.

From his posts on Instagram, it can be deduced that after get out of prison his relationship with the young woman who called herself La Bebesita MC came to an end.

Behind the concert in Hialeah to which he was invited by Lenier Mesathe King of Deliverymen shared a reflection of the composer to encourage him at this time.

“My brother Lenier saw me cry and told me: `Don’t cry anymore whenever the same thing happens, the same thing happens, let them all go, you are not alone, in short they are all the same and come to the same thing come, I will take you for a walk around the stars’”, reads the Chocolate publication.

Capture Instagram / Chocolate MC

In her stories on that social network, Chocolate has shared several reflections that fit this moment she is living.

“Rule of the street: Not every woman makes war with you in bad times”, reads one of the publications.

Capture Instagram / Chocolate MC

However, the reggaeton player is willing to move on and not let himself be defeated and he made it very clear with one of those motivational messages that circulate on the networks: “I have been broke, I have endured, I have known the difficulties, I have lost myself, but here I am, I keep moving forward, getting stronger every day”.

Capture Instagram / Chocolate MC

Before going to prison at the beginning of June Chocolate and La Bebesita were in love and even the networks witnessed their most romantic moments.

Even after being imprisoned, the young woman was one of those who kept his followers up to date on his case.

However, history seems to repeat itself for the singer, his former partner A Minor He even went so far as to propose marriage and the relationship ended on not very good terms with the reggaeton player in jail.

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