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Christopher Nolan hits back at Martin Scorsese on superhero films

Christopher Nolan hits back at Martin Scorsese on superhero films

With the decline in superhero films, some prominent directors are taking the opportunity to demonstrate how disgusted they are with this type of production. Martin Scorsese, for example, went so far as to say that auteur directors have to fight against films in the subgenre, publicly calling Christopher Nolan into battle.

It turns out that the person responsible for directing three Batman films and producing and co-writing a Superman film doesn’t seem willing to fight against anything, despite agreeing with the claim of Scorsese for more balance between franchise and author cinemas.

Speaking to the Associated Press, Nolan said that superhero films – or big franchise films – are important to keep audiences in theaters. Therefore, he does not believe that there will be a gain for the market if this type of production ceases to exist.

The director went further and stated that the financial success of this type of film directly impacts the financing of copyright works.

“Established titles (can) guarantee a return audience and give people more of what they want, and that makes up for making many more films. However, there needs to be respect for the public’s desire for something new. A healthy ecosystem in Hollywood has to do with a balance between the two things,” said Nolan.

The statement is not surprising, as Nolan never been one to despise blockbusters. The director is even a fan of many famous franchises, such as 007 and Fast and Furious.

“(Nolan) watches all movies, of all genres. And you never hear him talk trash about other people’s movies. He knows how difficult it is to direct a great movie,” he said.Emily Bluntduring a press round of Oppenheimer (Via The Hollywood Reporter).

It is worth remembering that the new film by Christopher NolanOppenheimer is strong in the campaign for the Oscar 2024.

Read more about Oppenheimer

Oppenheimer tells the true story of J. Robert Oppenheimer, a theoretical physicist who became the director of the Los Alamos Laboratory, heading the research and development of the atomic bomb that ended World War II, under what was secretly called the Manhattan Project.

The main cast includes Cillian Murphy (The origin), Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man), Matt Damon (Bourne), Emily Blunt (On the Edge of Tomorrow, Florence Pugh (Long Live Black), Rami Malek (007: No Time to Die), Benny Safdie (Good behavior), Gary Oldman (Batman Begins), Josh Harnett (Black Falcon in Peril) and others.

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