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Chuty makes history by getting the first three-time freestyle championship in Spain

Chuty makes history by getting the first three-time freestyle championship in Spain

chuty had a clear objective this year and everything is going according to plan. if in Madrid he marked the check of the Regional, in Valencia has indicated that of the National and is already qualified for the Colombian International Finalwhere he will fight for the only title missing and for the one who has a crazy desire. He public of the City of Arts and Sciences ended up shouting “yes we can” and chanting to new Spanish champion.

The one from Madrid beat a zoyert that it was not finished finding, in second to Le33, who left us again very emotional moments. In the semifinal, Chuty was measured to the surprise of the night. Segrelles entered as a substitute sweet painthat at the last minute did not show up. The Valencian used his leisurely style, more technical and focused on multisyllabic words to reach the semis after beating Jesús LC and Babi. Already in the penultimate round, he could not with a unstoppable chutywhich proved their tables and agreed to the final. There she met Mnakwho was the second best of the night.

He viking once again showed that flow so characteristic who has and with whom he fell in love with Valencia. In first he passed without much complication Climax and in rooms He met with a regular at Red Bull, Sawy Elekipo. Both they gave us a very rapper battle that fell on the side of Mnak. In semifinals, Alex He was the rival to beat. He Barcelona regional champion was supported by his people and thanks to this and his great performance, with coherence as the best weaponpassed over NQP and from Tirpa after in a very even battle and that will certainly generate controversy. Once in the semis Alek warned of what is coming in the future: “You work on this and soon I will”. And it is that this young promise is already a reality and he proved it pulling a replica to a whole Mnak that in the tiebreaker round yes it was above.

The grand finale was a showwith the only drawback that the first round, which were going to be stimuli through some holographic objects, had to be changed last minute for a technical problem. During the battle, equality reigned in the first roundsbut in the last one we saw Chuty at his highest level, answering six rhymes out of six in a minute for the story and where he left powerful phrases like: “Fuck you, Mnak, you lost to the greatest of all time.” The vallecano gave a warning for navigators “time puts everything in its place… I am going to put it because I am tired of waiting”. He only has one title left to achieve, the International Final. And it is very clear “This is the fucking year.”

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