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Claudio Caniggia could face 15 years in prison for alleged sexual abuse

Claudio Caniggia He is not going through his best moment. The former soccer player is in the news again, although this time for something completely unsportsmanlike, and that is that he has been prosecuted for an alleged crime of sexual abuse of his partner, Mariana Nanniswhat accuses him of forcing him in a hotel in Buenos Airesthe Hotel Faena, in the exclusive neighborhood of Puerto Madero, in 2018.

The former Argentine player has suffered a new setback in the courts, and that is that from the Criminal Chamber of the Court of Appeals of the Nations of Argentina has rejected the arguments of his lawyers in which they pointed out that “crimes against sexual integrity must be reconstructed based on the circumstantial evidence available.”

Now, He is now scheduled to be tried for “aggravated sexual abuse,” which means he could face up to 15 years in prison..

Mariana, who is the mother of Caniggia’s three children, claims that her husband at the time (until a year and a half after the events) forced himself on her after she rejected each of his advances, hit her, and threatened to kill her if she spoke to the police about it.

He tried to have sexual relations with his ex-wife at the time, so when she refused he told her: ‘I’m going to kill you, you son of a bitch.’ and, after that, he hit her with his fist in the face that did not hit her, since she was covering herself with her hands, until finally hit her in the arms. After Nannis Silles told him that he was going to report him, the accused laughed and told him that he was ‘a friend of the police boss’, and that ‘if you file a report your head is going to roll… if you go out like that I’m going to have you killed, you son of a bitch, you won’t leave me here alone,’” the car points out.

Caniggia, for his part, has been prohibited from leaving Argentina since last June, although he has always denied having committed the acts described above.

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