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Cline Dion’s health worsens: He has lost control of his muscles

Cline Dion's health worsens: He has lost control of his muscles

Bad news for Cline Dion fans, and the singer’s health has worsened considerablyaccording to what the artist’s sister has revealed, who announced a few months ago that she had been diagnosed with rigid person syndrome, which is why she is away from the stage and also from public life.

After having to cancel her Courage World Tour when she was diagnosed with the disease in December of last year, the artist has barely been seen and very little has been revealed about her state of health, which It will cause progressive muscle stiffness and spasms, especially in the trunk and abdomen area..

According to Claudette to the Canadian program 7 days, the singer has lost control of her muscles. What breaks my heart is that she has always been very disciplined. She has always worked hard. Our mother told her that everything would be fine for her precisely because of that, her older sister added about this disorder, which ends up affecting the mobility and balance of those who suffer from it.

Likewise, he added that He would like to return to the stage, although he has not thought about what this return could be like. In what capacity? I don’t knowpointed out his sister.

Between tears

Cline Dion herself was in charge of communicating, very affected and in tears, that she was suffering from this incurable neurological condition that forced her to cancel the tour she had planned for this year. I’ve always been an open book and wasn’t ready to say anything before, but I’m ready now. I have had health problems for a long time and it is not easy for me to deal with them and talk about what is happening.. I have been diagnosed with a very rare neurological disorder called stiff person syndrome, which affects one person in every million.

Although we are still learning about this rare condition, Now we know what’s been causing all the spasms I’ve been having.. Unfortunately, these spasms affect all aspects of my daily life, sometimes causing me difficulty when I walk and not allowing me to use my vocal cords to sing the way I sing alone. It pains me to say today that this means I won’t be ready to restart my tour in Europe in February, she added.

I have a great team of doctors who work by my side to help me get better and my beautiful children who support me and give me help. I am working hard with my sports medicine therapist daily to regain my strength and ability to perform again, but I have to admit it has been a struggle. All I know is singing, it’s what I’ve done my whole life and it’s what I like to do the most. I miss being on stage, he said.

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