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Colombian singer dies in the middle of a concert

Colombian singer dies in the middle of a concert

MIAMI.- He singer Colombian Gabriel Gmez died this weekend while giving a concert in the municipality of Barboza, Santander (Colombia).

“Precisely, while he was interpreting his brother’s success Nobody is eternal in the world, collapses in the middle of the stage”, report Time.

The manager of the event, Alex Tabares, explained to the local media Facet 5 that the artist died due to a sudden heart attack.

“Master Gabriel began the show as opening act for Combo Hispano and on the fourth song, singing Nobody is eternal in the world hit him with a blast and he fainted in front of the entire public and unfortunately he arrived at the hospital without vital signs,” Tabares declared, according to information reported in Time.

Singer’s son speaks out

Given the unfortunate event, the artist’s son spoke out about it.

“My father was a great talent of the Gómez Zapata dynasty, he leaves us a legacy of music, of a path to music that was what he liked and he died doing what he wanted, what he loved… my father was happy, kind, grumpy, counselor, he was my best friend,” Julin David Gmez expressed to Facet 5.

In addition to being a singer, Gabriel Gómez also worked as a composer of Colombian popular music.

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