In September of last year we told you about the call for the National Photography Contest of Cuartoscuro 2023 and now we bring you the winning photos.

For the 23rd edition of this contest, the theme was “Identity” and the question was launched: who am I?/who are we?

Photo: Juan Reyes

Winners of the National Cuartoscuro Photography Contest

As we mentioned before, the participants of this edition of the National Chiaroscuro Photography Contest had the challenge of talking about identity, expressing it and showing it through the image.

The jury was made up of photographers Pedro Anza, Elizabeth Moreno Damm, Galo Cañas and Rafael del Río, who chose the winners from more than 3,550 photos.

The first place It was taken by Samuel Ramírez Peña, from the State of Mexico, with the series of photos called Naica. Naica is a town of Tarahumara origin in the municipality of Saucillo, in Chihuahua.

It is the beginning of thousands of lives that have left their hearts immobile in time, caressed by the heat of that desert sun that moves the souls that have been able to recognize this place as their origin and identity.“, is read in the publication of Cuartoscuro.

Photo: Samuel Ramírez Peña

Second place went to José Manuel Castañeda Castillo, from San Luis Potosí, with a series called “Mexican-American dream”.

This project, which is also in black and white, explores the “life and work of Mexican migrants engaged in construction in the United States”. It shows us how hard work is, the danger of being caught by the migra, but also the strength and resilience of those who fight for a better life for their families.

Photo: Jose Castañeda

Finally (and not least, the third place was for Guillermo Isaac Gutiérrez Velasco of Jalisco with the series entitled “Wixárika Village”.

This series shows us some aspects of the long journey of the Wixáritari through Cerro Quemado to carry out a traditional ceremony for the renewal of the “Candles of Life” and for “the restoration of the much damaged balance of life on Earth.”

Photo: Guillermo Isaac Gutierrez

In addition, there were three honorable mentions to Marcel Ruis Barón, Uriel Montúfar and Laura Álvarez. Here we leave you the link where you can take a look to the complete series that won the first 3 places, as well as the photographs that received honorable mentions and those that were selected.


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