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Comedian Paco Arvalo dies at 76

Comedian Paco Arvalo dies at 76

The comedian Paco Arvalo has died at the age of 76. According to Semana magazine, the comedian has been found dead at his home in Valencia by his son. The reason for death has not yet been confirmed, although according to sources close to the family cited by the magazine could be a heart attack.

His professional career was most prolific. He debuted in the arts guild acting as a bullfighter in the show El Bombero Torero, a profession in which he imitated his father. His fame skyrocketed in the late 1970s and early 1980s, especially after appearing weekly on the program One, Two, Three… Answer Again.

Arvalo also did other work away from television. At the cinema, He was one of the regulars in the casts of Mariano Ozores’ comediesbut he also did radio work on cassette tapes that were widely sold at gas stations in the country.

Late 20th century and early 21st century

Antena 3 decided back in 1997 to give him a program for the first time in his career. With Arvalo y Ca, a comedy sketch program, Francisco Rodríguez Iglesias finished establishing himself on the television scene. Another of the great references of the time, Juan Muoz, noticed him to play an Arab sheikh in the film Ja me maten…!.

In 2005 he participated in the television program La Granja and as time went by he appeared more on television programs in the afternoon slot. Thus, it was common to see him in The afternoon with María, presented by María del Monte, and in Slvame or Sábado Deluxe just five years ago. In theater, I shared a stage in 2011 with Bertn Osborne to represent Dos mellizos.

The origin of his nickname and his personal life

Arvalo’s professional career is difficult to explain without his father: Paco Arvalo. From him he took inspiration for her profession and even adopted her second surname as a nickname for her performances. The death of his father in 2018 was a hard blow, as was the death of his wife and two of his children.

Arvalo was married to his lifelong partner, Elena. The woman died in 2015 due to cancer that she had been suffering from for a long time. We met when we were kids. I was 17 years old and we got married the following year. We had been together for 50 years and very happy, said the comedian after the funeral. It was a hard blow in a life full of disappointments, because Previously, two children of the marriage had died: one a month after birth and another at the age of 27 due to a heart attack.

After that, he had a brief relationship with the actress Malena Gracia, with whom he had worked on several projects throughout his career. I’ve always said it. I wish him all the best, I have admired him all my life. He is a man who professionally failed, his wife died and many things have happened to himbut I think he was not the person for me, the artist confessed in an interview in EsDiario.

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