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Comedy: “Ruhrhochdeutsch” Festival 2023: Advance sales begin

From June 21st to October 1st, the regional comedy and cabaret elite will be on stage in Dortmund. Where to buy tickets.

For two years, the “Ruhrhochdeutsch” festival had to move to Schalthaus 101 due to the pandemic. In 2022, the artistic director Horst Hanke-Lindemann was finally able to hold the series of events again at the usual place in the mirror tent at the Westfalenhallen – with success: “Last year we had 41 sold-out events. We have to top that,” explains Hanke-Lindemann.

For this venture, the festival director was once again able to attract numerous well-known comedians and cabaret artists, who will appear between June 21st and October 1st. Over 30 solo programs by the respective artists will be performed for the first time in Dortmund as part of “Ruhrhochdeutsch”.

“Ruhr High German”: Numerous stars of the scene are guests in the mirror tent

It traditionally starts with the charity gala, the proceeds of which go to a charitable institution in the city. René Steinberg welcomes a few surprise guests. Performances by Lisa Feller (June 24th), Bernd Stelter (June 29th + 30th), Bar gossip (July 3rd), Frank Goosen (July 22nd + 23rd), Siegfried & Joy (July 26th + 27th), Lioba Albus with Bruno Knust (9.+10.+23.+24.8.), Carmela De Feo (12.+13.8.), Fritz Eckenga (9.+10.9.) and a guest performance by the Swiss formation Starbugs Comedy (15.9. ).

Advance sales start on Saturday, February 4th. at 10 a.m. in the webshop on the festival homepage In addition, the advance booking office at the Fletch Bizzel Theater (Humboldtstraße 45) is open on February 4th. Open separately from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Buying tickets is a must in a hurry – the mirror tent can only accommodate 280 guests per event.

Change in catering

The popular series “…always on Mondays” with currywurst and beer is of course part of the program again, as is the Tuesday “NachtSchnittchen – Comedy Mix” with Helmut Sanftenschneider. As far as the culinary side of the festival is concerned, however, there is something new. “We have gained the Cabaret Queue team as a new gastronomy partner,” reports Horst Hanke-Lindemann.

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