The mood within the traffic light coalition has been poisoned by the tank dispute. This is also due to the communication of the Chancellor.

The war in Ukraine changed the political processes. The questions of weapons shipments are discussed and decided in an ever smaller circle. Towards the end of her term in office, the resigned Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht seemed only to have had a secondary interest in the armaments that were handed over to Ukraine from the Bundeswehr stocks.

The more the chancellor comes under pressure, including the passing on of main battle tanks to agree, the narrower the circle of initiates becomes.

Ukraine Crisis – The most important news about the war

Scholz course causes unrest in Parliament

In the coalition factions, on the one hand, prevails guesswork about the Chancellor’s course. The experts in the Bundestag often only find out which decision will be made next when the time has come. This causes unrest in Parliament. On the other hand, representatives of the Greens and FDP in particular want the chancellor to take a more offensive course.

The spearhead of the group is the Chair of the Defense Committee in the Bundestag Marie Agnes Strack Zimmermannwhich is now so blunt in its criticism of the chancellor that one could suspect the end of the coalition.

The atmosphere inside the traffic light is poisoned

However, the traffic light alliance is far from a break. Nevertheless: the mood is poisoned, the Annoy lie bare. This is also due to the Chancellor’s most suppressed communication, who only presents his motives in a woodcut manner. Olaf Scholz does not engage in a discussion about the pros and cons of supplying even the most powerful weapons.

But he should do that to rally the coalition behind him. And his critics have to slow down rhetorically to put theirs in the first place arguments to be heard.

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