Commissioner Joe Carollo delivers food for Christmas dinner

MIAMI.- Thousands of bags with grocery products for dinner Christmas They were delivered this Wednesday by Miami Commissioner Joe Carollo, within the framework of an activity held in José Martí Park.

The municipal legislator explained to DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS that each bag consisted of more than 30 products, including a pork leg, all for a cost close to $150.

“These are donations that have not cost the residents a penny and are part of a work that we started about two months ago with our entire team,” Carollo said.

According to the commissioner, they surrendered 7,500 bags to residents of District 3 of Miamiwho had to show an identification document or a bill for some public service to prove that they live in that area of ​​the city.

The distribution of food was scheduled between 11:00 am and 6:00 pm. People could participate on foot or in their vehicles.

“When I got here the sun was just rising, it was dark and it seemed like it was going to rain very hard,” said a beneficiary who introduced himself as ‘Pedro’, of Cuban origin.

The line of people and cars stretched for several blocks. The artist Eduardo Antonio joined the campaign.

Carollo said that this plan allows “to ensure that those most in need have food on their table for the Christmas season,” which, in his opinion, has been a “constant priority” of his office.

Another distribution of food aid is also planned on Thursday, December 21, in the Plaza del Parque del Domino, on the traditional Calle Ocho in Miami.

Prior to these activities, Commissioner Carollo’s office had been delivering food since December 12 in buildings in District 3, where seniors live.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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