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Concern about the health of Charly, Lydia Lozano’s husband: He can’t even take the dog out

Lydia Lozano, operated for the second time in two weeks

It seemed that the problems of Lydia Lozano after it came to light this Thursday that the journalist was evolving very favorably in the recovery from broken vertebra that she suffered and that had led her to undergo surgery a week and a half ago. But not. The bad news has settled into her daily life and affects her routine directly or indirectly, without distinction: her husband, Charlywho was thought to be in charge of the household chores while his wife went through the aforementioned medical setback, would not have had a pleasant May either.

As you have been able to know InformaliaCharly, 72 years old, also underwent surgery. The reason: an ailment that refused to go away. A noticeable and painful ailment because he has also had to rest and is now undergoing rehabilitation. Everything has come togetherthey assure the aforementioned media from those close to the journalist, who later adds a singular phrase that ends up portraying Charly’s state of health: He can’t even take the dog out anymore.

This problem is a new chapter in the Charly’s medical historya record that contemplates a before and after in the herniated disc who suffered and whose recovery was nothing but a slow path full of pain. It was 2019 and then, as now, his greatest supporter was his wife.

The light at the end of the tunnel

The storm that has been hanging over Lydia Lozano’s life these past few months has not been a sufficient reason to undermine her vitality. In fact, as said source reveals, that will be one of the fundamental pillars that have allowed them to sustain their present in the face of so much difficulty. Thank goodness Lydia has a wonderful character and nothing about her takes away from her optimism and desire to move forward. In fact, he has not stopped working practically any day, except those required by his back surgery. Afterwards, he ran away to continue on the sets because that gives her a lot of life.he states.

Although both problems have coincided in time, both he and she breathe a sigh of relief for the success of the interventions and, especially, for what finally seems to be the light at the end of the tunnel. They had complete confidence in the doctors and everything has turned out well.says the aforementioned source.

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