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Consulate of Mexico presents the exhibition Women and their causes in Miami

Selena Gmez shares a photo on her Instagram stories and reflects on her change.

MIAMI.- As part of the celebration of International Women’s Day, the Consulate General of Mexico in Miami exposes the sample Women and their causesan exhibition that highlights the talent of a group of latin american artists in different expressions and aesthetic disciplines.

The installation is on until May 10 at the Cultural Institute of Mexico in Miami and brings together the works of 15 women from different countries in the region.

Consul Adriana Torres Sánchez, director of the Cultural Institute of Mexico in Miami, explained in an interview she gave to DIARIO LAS AMRICAS, that the diplomatic entity has focused since 2021 on promoting artistic exhibitions that have women as their center.

Exhibition “Women and their causes”

Exhibition “Women and their causes.” Work “Matrescence The Birth of the Mother”, by the Mexican artist Laura Villarreal.

Courtesy/Consulate General of Mexico in Miami

A Women and their causes the exhibitions precede it The Common Thread I (2021), The Common Thread II (2022) y The Common Thread III (2023).

“These exhibitions put the theme of women from the Fiber Art, a very important discipline among Latin American artists in Miami. However, this year, in order for various women’s causes to be manifested, the Mexican Consulate decided to expand artistic expressions to all aesthetic disciplines, so that in Women and their causes metal and ceramic sculptures, photography, fiber artpainting, among others,” said Torres Sánchez.

Art, struggles and migration

In this way, the institution considers that through art a dialogue can be achieved between the exponents who live in the United States, mainly in Florida.

“The intention was to achieve a dialogue with women artists from Latin America, who live in South Florida, to reach an agreement on the causes of women that were sought to be materialized with this exhibition, such as: motherhood, abortion, cancer breast, important women in history (almost forgotten), ethnic groups, sensitivity, family, fertility, life, family, objectification, among others.

Exhibition “Women and their causes”

Exhibition “Women and their causes.” Work “Underground” by the Mexican artist Sharon Berebichez.

Courtesy/Consulate General of Mexico in Miami

For three months, the Consulate was evaluating the artists who applied to be part of this activity. Finally, 15 of them were selected for their proposals, which not only had to highlight an important issue for gender or residing in South Florida, but also be linked through the same common thread: “being migrant women,” I added.

Gabriela Bernstein and Marta Estreams (Argentina), Apia (Chile), Gloria Vlez and Maritza Bernal (Colombia), Angela Gmez Durn, Marcia Lorente, Constanza Laguna and Sonia Snchez (Spain), Dominik Ambroise (Haiti), Elvira Smeke, Laura Villarreal , Sharon Berebichez and Mnica Czukerberg (Mexico), Evelyn Polytzer (Uruguay) and Sonia Hidalgo (Venezuela), are the women artists sharing their works today in this initiative of the Consulate of Mexico.

“The Consulate General of Mexico wishes to recognize and highlight the contribution of the artists for making the performance possible,” he celebrated.


Finally, Consul Adriana Torres Sánchez stated that the greatest value that this proposal brings to today’s society is the visualization of the multiple causes for which the gender still fights.

“Its value lies in the fact that it makes women’s causes visible with each artist and promotes the path to a change in perspective, empowerment, and growth in sisterhood.”

Exhibition “Women and their causes”

Exhibition “Women and their causes.” Work “Stones with eyelashes”, by the Mexican artist Elvira Smeke.

Courtesy/Consulate General of Mexico in Miami

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