Conversation reflects on challenges for women in eSports

CARACAS.- Through a transmission by streamingTelefnica Hispanoamrica held the conversation Level UP of women in eSports to reflect on female challenges in the world of eSports. This time, the space – called #MujeresDeLevelUP – was focused not only on female gamers, but on other areas in which women participate such as sponsorships, public relations, content creation, among others.

Francisca Sky, a Chilean communicator from video game y technology; Estefana Carrera, Coordinator of sponsorships, alliances and events at Telefnica Movistar México; Eider Díaz Ascasso, head of communication and strategic relations at CODE Space (Spain) and linked to the world of development and technology in eSports; and Anita Balanzategui, Head of sponsorships, sponsorships and events at Telefnica Movistar Ecuador.

Among the topics that the panelists addressed, they talked about the various professions they have that are not directly related to video games. Despite this, their experiences have allowed them to work in areas related to the eSports industry, such as public relations and sponsorships.

“More women are participating in eSports”

Every time we can see that more women participate in eSports. What should happen is that there should not be just one league a year for women, that a conversation like this should not only happen just for International Women’s Day, said Estefana Carrera, from Telefónica Movistar México.

Being a gamer is not the only role in this industry. If you are a psychologist, you can be a team member, as well as lead marketing members or be a mnager. In eSports you don’t just live off the competition, there is much more to it than just playing, added Francisca Sky.

They also commented on the importance of closing the social gap in this sector, giving greater prominence to women in tournaments to promote gender equality. In that sense, they stressed that in this industry there are no physical abilities that differentiate men from women.

Another important point that was mentioned is the relevance of protecting women and minors, something that must be done through alliances of actors interested in protecting the integrity of the people who participate in this industry.

eSports industry

Only in Latin America, the ecosystem of gaming It has around 289 million players, representing 10% of gamers (players) in the world. Telefnica Hispanoamrica contributes to the sustainability of this industry with eight operations supporting teams, leagues, tournaments and companies related to this area.

At Telefónica we want to make our world more human, connecting people’s lives. We understand our responsibility to promote our society to be more diverse so that it allows us all to grow. For this reason, we have been organizing spaces to talk about the barriers of women and the stereotypes that exist in the industry. gaming, as well as his contribution to eSports, a sector that is growing exponentially around the world. Let’s make eSports demonstrate that through diversity industries can grow, said Elisa Caballero, B2C director at Telefnica Hispanoamrica.

The video game and technology industry has grown with the participation of women gamers. According to the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), female gamers are on the rise and make up approximately 48% of gamers worldwide. However, there are still barriers to break down, since it is estimated that 59% of female players reserve their identity to avoid some type of harassment.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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