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Cosimo storms off when they meet again

21:26: Actually, you shouldn’t ask women that, but Jan and Sonja do it anyway: “How much weight have you lost?” Six kilos Cecilia, Tessa just over three. And what are you proud of? “I’m proud that I pulled it off.” Yes, the answer could have been more exciting, dear Cecilia. Tessa replies: “I take a lot of gratitude with me – for life, the food, the variety. I found it a really great experience.” And she mentions again the great group dynamics. How different inner and outer perception can sometimes be.

And another break. Oh RTL…

21:22: Tessa really gets into raptures. “We were a great little family,” the model summarizes her time at the camp. Oops! We would not have expected that. Probably not Sonja either, because she follows up immediately. After all, there was also beef – with Cecilia, among others. Tessa counters at the same time: “Even in a good family you argue sometimes.” Cecilia doesn’t quite go along with the Harmonie number, Tessa and they don’t become friends anymore. “I don’t think Tessa is a person I think is wrong. But just don’t lock us up together because we see a lot of things differently.” Then, of course, Tessa has a little vegan monologue. “You had to deal with that first,” summarizes Cecilia Tessa’s remarks in the camp.

21:19: Pause over, Cecilia’s review follows at the same time. And Tessa can also look forward to her highlights.

21:08: Back in the tree house. Did Cecilia know she was being gossed about so much? “I wasn’t shocked now. I’m not blind and I see everything. I never warmed to Verena and I found her (Verena and Claudia) in a station wagon disaster.” And she repeats her accusation from the camp again: Verena and Claudia are not real friends. After Verena’s exit, she would have perceived Claudia more positively.

Gigi will probably not warm up to Verena either. And he’s convinced that she didn’t show her true side at camp. “She only thought about outside. How do I get across?” Explains the self-proclaimed reality professional. Verena’s expression shows that she doesn’t quite agree with his verdict. Still, there are no objections. It’s a pity – well, yes, then we’ll probably take a break again.

21:05: A blasphemous best-of is shown. In retrospect, one has to say: Claudia and Verena didn’t mince words and were pretty nasty at one point or another. Will there still be a reckoning with the two at the big reunion? It would definitely be exciting.

21:00: Still enemies in the camp, now pure harmony: Claudia raves about Gigi’s softer side. And: She admits that she probably shouldn’t have delayed the Bolo lie for so long. The realization comes too late. Too bad bad luck.

20:57: “It wasn’t planned to be the first to go,” explains Verena. What was the reason? “I don’t know. Most likely because I didn’t get enough calls.” Sonja and Jan admit that the early end came as a surprise to them too. Verena doesn’t want to think about it any further, but wants to talk about her wedding. The topic is also much more important. Is there a date yet? “We have to plan that now. But still this year!”

20:55: We are back – Verena Kerth and Claudia Effenberg aka the Munich blasphemers too. Of course, scenes from Mark Terenzi’s romantic marriage proposal after the jungle exit are also shown. When Claudia sees her review, she fights back tears.

20:49: Advertising number one follows at the same time. There’s probably more to come! We stay tuned.

20:45: “If you live in the normal jungle, you are of course freer.” Jana URKRAFT Pallaske talks about her favorite topic: nature. your second home. Because she actually lives in the wild from time to time. In a tree house similar to the one being shown on RTL. Can you do it. Markus was apparently inspired to think more about veganism. Sounds like he wants to take on the challenge soon.

20:39: Now it’s Cosimo, Markus and Jana’s turn. The “Checker vom Neckar” lost nine kilos. And it also has an after-jungle glow. Where does it come from? “I did yoga with my sweetheart tonight.” Jana is in harmony with nature again – raves about paradise Australia. Markus seems devastated. “Unfortunately, I wasn’t allowed to stay long in the camp. I would have liked to have taken part in one or the other jungle test.” He continues to ponder: “I would have liked to step on the gas.”

20:35: A throwback follows: the most beautiful scenes from this year’s season are faded in. It’s almost heartbreaking. Nearly.

20:32: Sonja rubs salt in Lucas Cordalis’ wound: “You didn’t learn much that was new.” The Katzenberger husband immediately takes a defensive stance – after all, he had shed a few tears. Did being Costa Cordalis’ son put him under pressure? Seems so. “I didn’t want to disgrace my father.” And Sonja knows her craft well. Very good. Of course she addresses the cheating scandal. However, Lucas cannot deliver any real news: “I love harmony and I wish that my in-laws get along well. They don’t seem to be doing that at the moment.” That’s it. At least almost. “Of course I care what my mother-in-law thinks. I hope she doesn’t say things that she later regrets (…) One should leave the church in the village.”

20:28: Gigi speaks a little in the square: “There is the Gigi entertainment and now I have shown the Luigi.” And do you like it? “You can do that.” “I actually thought I’d come in here, do my entertainment and come out again.” But it wasn’t that easy after all. “Do I miss the jungle? No, definitely not. But I appreciate everything more. And what has to go, has to go.”

20:26: Gigi and Lucas also get a highlight film. Cute!

20:25: What do you have that the others don’t have, Sonja wants to know from jungle queen Djamila. Her answer: “But everything was a bit different for me than for the others: because I was thrown in as a substitute. Zero prepared (…) I was the way I always am. It’s called authentic.” Gigi agrees with her. A review of the most beautiful Djamilas scenes are shown. The tree house Djamila is visibly touched and secretly wipes a tear from her eyes.

8:18 p.m.: The stars in the tree house rise up for Queen Djamila. Deserved! Majesty takes a seat alongside finalists Gigi and Lucas. Djamila not only shines with her flower crown, but also with fresh make-up and straightened hair.

20:15: Let the games begin. We look forward to tears, bitching and warm words.

20:10: Dear trash fans: It’s the final countdown. In a few minutes it’s time! Then all this year’s IBES candidates meet for a chat with Sonja Zietlow and Jan Köppen in the tree house. Does everyone agree with Djamila as queen? Will Lucas Cordalis comment on the cheating scandal? And what about Cosimo’s alleged freaks out? Hopefully we can answer these questions – and many more – tonight. Stay tuned!

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