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Countess Viola Arrivabene: SHE reveals pregnancy on the red carpet

Royal news from around the world in the GALA ticker: Count Viola Arrivabene surprised with a baby bump in Venice +++ Crown Princess Sofie Louise posts her baby picture +++ Another celebrity mother steals the show from Catherine, Princess of Wales, at George’s school.

Royal-News im GALA-Ticker

1. September 2023

Countess Viola Arrivabene surprises with baby bump in Venice

What a surprise! Both Countess Viola Arrivabene, 32, made a brilliant appearance at the Venice International Film Festival. She walked the red carpet on August 31 in a floor-length white gown. But she didn’t come alone, obviously she’s carrying her first child under her heart. She has by no means hidden her already pronounced baby bump, but has always placed a protective hand on it. With the unexpected pregnancy announcement, the Italian royal is apparently continuing its tradition.

Because their wedding also came as a surprise: the Venetian fashion entrepreneur and star violinist Charlie Siem, 37, gave up in April of this year , just weeks after their engagement was announced. Now they are looking forward to their first child together.

Crown Princess Sofie Louise: New family photo with baby Johan

Crown Princess Sofie Louise, 37, and Crown Prince Dr. Tengku Muhammad Faiz Petra, 49, announced the birth of their first child on Tuesday evening, July 18, 2023, with a palace statement on Instagram. A week later, the native Swede published the first family picture of the three of them and also revealed the name and gender of their baby: the boy’s name is Johan.

Now the couple insisted on celebrating Malaysia’s Independence Day on August 31 with another family picture on Instagram. “Happy 66th Independence Day” reads the caption. Malaysia became independent on August 31, 1957 and was previously a British colony. Merdeka, as the holiday is also known for short, is celebrated everywhere in Malaysia, of course also by the crown prince couple.

31. August 2023

Princess of Wales: Another celebrity mom steals the show from Kate at George’s school

Before Catherine, Princess of Wales, and Prince William, both 41, moved to Windsor from London, Prince George, 10, and Princess Charlotte, 8, who are now on the go lambrook school, attended Thomas’s Battersea School. Even then, Kate often took her kids to school and picked them up again. One would think that the presence of a royal would cause an uproar among the other parents. Apparently, however, there was another famous mother who stole the show from her.

“No one really gives Kate a second look when she leaves school. We also have a ‘Victoria’s Secret’ model who is a regular at school, the dads are much more interested in her,” an anonymous parent once revealed “Daily Mail”. For Kate this was a blessing as she was able to attend school events with William without any fuss.

30. August 2023

Prince Daniel draws boundaries when asked about Princess Estelle

To mark his 50th birthday, Prince Daniel gave journalist Carina Bergfeldt, 43, an extremely rare and private interview that was broadcast on Swedish channel SVT1 on August 29. In the program “Prins Daniel 50 r” (German: “50 years of Prince Daniel”) he is not only angry about the divorce rumors about him and Princess Victoria, 46, and talks about his severe kidney disease and his role behind the crown princess, but also answers more private questions about his children Prince Oscar, 7, who even makes a small surprise appearance, and Princess Estelle, 11. But there are also situations when Daniel has to pull the line because it becomes too private or even too uncomfortable for him.

For example, when it comes to the fact that not only is his wife heir to the throne, but also that his firstborn daughter will one day be Queen of Sweden, ask Daniel to explain what’s going through his mind, how it would make him feel, but Daniel waves it off. “If you just love your kids, it should be good,” he says soothingly. He prefers to dodge in a nice way, even when asked how romantic he is in his relationship with Victoria. “I don’t want to give any examples, it’s too private,” but then emphasizes with a laugh that Victoria would certainly consider him romantic. Prince Daniel knows where his limits lie and has learned to show them in a very personable way.

29. August 2023

Princess of Wales: That’s why Dolly Parton declined Kate’s invitation

This answer must have come as a sudden surprise even to the otherwise easy-going Catherine, Princess of Wales, 41! In a new interview with “BBC Radio 2” Dolly Parton, 77, chatted away. And revealed: She turned down Catherine’s invitation! The singer is quoted by “Mirror”:

This time I was even invited to tea with Kate, but I couldn’t go.

Dolly Parton was in London to promote her new album. Catherine apparently wanted to use this opportunity for a private meeting with the singer, but none! The 77-year-old recalled, “I thought it was very sweet and kind of her to invite me over and one day I’ll be able to do the same, that would be great.” The reason for her cancellation? “She didn’t want to promote my album, so I had to say no,” jokes Dolly. But this apology should be understood with a wink. In reality, the singer’s schedule was probably to blame: it was so tight that she could hardly do anything else apart from her work, according to Parton.

That’s why Mike and Zara Tindall are skipping their family holiday in Scotland

King Charles, 74, and Queen Camilla, 76, are continuing the tradition introduced by Queen Elizabeth, 96, and began their summer holiday at Balmoral Castle a few days ago. As usual, there are other family members in the royal residence in Scotland: Last Sunday, August 27, 2023, Prince William and Catherine, Princess of Wales, both 41, were seen there. However, Mike, 44, and Zara Tindall, 42, had other plans.

The Queen’s granddaughter and Olympic rider competed in a show at Heckfield, about 500 miles from Balmoral. While Zara was completing the dressage and jumping tests at the Wellington International Horse Trials, her husband Mike and their children Mia, 9, Lena, 5, and Lucas, 2, naturally watched attentively. The former rugby player and the kids have made themselves comfortable on the lawn.

28. August 2023

Princess Alexia could soon celebrate two premieres

Princess Alexia, 18, has exciting weeks ahead. As a look at the royal calendar reveals, the daughter of King Willem-Alexander, 56, and Queen Mxima, 52, will have her first solo appointment on September 9, 2023: she will be on the ship “Vox Alexia” of the Dutch shipping company Van Baptize Oord in Rotterdam. She then inspects the ship to exchange ideas with a number of crew members. But that’s not the only exciting event.

Because on September 19, Prinsjesdag (Eng.: Prince’s Day), the traditional opening of the parliamentary session year, takes place. Since Alexia celebrated her majority in June this year, she could for the first time attend a political appearance by her father. your big sister Princess Amalia, 19, made her debut last year. So now it should be Alexia’s turn. “With a probability bordering on certainty, she will be there. Traditions are important for the Orangemen,” emphasizes royal house expert Sander Paulus from “RTL Nieuws”.

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