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Cristbal Soria, on the death of his mother: It continues to echo in my conscience

Cristbal Soria, on the death of his mother: It continues to echo in my conscience

Naked for life start last Wednesday with his first program. The cast of contestants, willing to get completely naked in the middle of prime-time with the sole objective of make visible different types of cancers that cause deaths around the worldwas announced in the first installment with the presence of Cristbal Soria as one of the most notable.

The former Sevilla delegate and talk show host of programs like El Chiringuito lamented after receiving a session on how address these illnesses the early death of his mother. When they did the analysis, they detected an internal metastasis in the membrane that covers the organs.. When they decided to intervene, it was already too late, the Sevillian began.

Although he and his sister took her to the doctor during the course of her illness, death crossed her path. We are aware that we sinned by not having taken it on time, because when the alarms went off it was already too late.he recalled.

Years later, it still echoes in my conscience and in my thoughts to think that, if we had done what the doctor told us today, Possibly my mother knew my children, her grandchildren, he continued before deciding, visibly excited, that that little thorn would accompany me. always.

Nicols Coronado, about Bimba Bos

Soria was not the only one of the contestants to make his closest experiences with cancer visible. Jess Vázquez, presenter of the format, spoke to Nicols Coronado to tell him what his experience had been like working on a television program with his cousin, the late Bimba Bos. She was a woman with a strength… with a path ahead of her. As my uncle said at the funeral home. Sometimes there are people who are called who knows where, but they have things to do for other places and that’s why they leave us so soon, to answer the MasterChef Celebrity finalist.

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