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Cristiano mistakenly calls a journalist and his reaction is viral

Cristiano mistakenly calls a journalist and his reaction is viral

Cristiano Ronaldo lived an embarrassing moment this weekend during his stay at the concentration hotel with Al-Nassr before his game this Sunday. The Portuguese footballer wanted to talk to a friend from the team through the room phones, but he made a mistake when dialing and He ended up calling a woman named Halima Bouland, a journalist who was staying at the same hotel and who is very renowned.since she was even named Miss Arab Journalist in 2007.

In the conversation that she herself has shared, Cristiano can be heard accepting that he was wrong while Bouland is excited to learn that an icon like Ronaldo is on the other side of the line. They both make small talk and she confesses that she is also a celebrity in the country, but she cuts the images before seeing the outcome.

Ronaldo asked him if there was another person in the room, presumably in case his friend was accompanied, but he ended up assuming that he had the wrong number and that it was all a mistake. “It’s the best mistake in the world”, the journalist replied.

Who is Halima Bouland?

Of Arab origin, he is 42 years old and has more than 4 million followers on his official Instagram profile. She has worked as a model and is also a television presenter in the Middle East, which led to her being named Miss Arab Journalist in the year 2007.

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