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Cristina Cifuentes, on the tricks to avoid gaining weight at Christmas: Close your mouth and don’t eat

Cristina Cifuentes, on the tricks to avoid gaining weight at Christmas: Close your mouth and don't eat

Christmas is here, and with it the long-awaited celebrations. Some days in which sweets take center stage, either in the form of powder, nougat, panettone and even Roscón de Reyes. There are all tastes and flavors, and that is why many nutritionists and experts recommend moderate consumption.

Advice is also given on television, and in TardeAR They were not going to be less. From the Telecinco program, Frank Blanco (host of the program on Fridays) has spoken with his collaborators about those copious meals and dinners at Christmas, which put at risk the healthy diet that many people follow.

An expert has spoken with them precisely about that and how Enjoy these meals without gaining weight, or gaining as little weight as possible. A topic that those present wanted to listen to carefully, and that goes beyond miracle diets or intermittent fasting.

Cifuentes’ response

Bibiana Fernndez attended, and she was joined by Csar Carballo, who gave some advice to avoid gaining weight at this type of party, something that caused Cristina Cifuentescollaborator of the space, would also like to take the floor to give her opinion on all this. Do you know what the best trick is?he began by saying, referring to the doctor, and also to those present. Close your mouth and don’t eathe added, causing laughter from the public and his colleagues.

Some words that have been answered by the expert, who has pointed out that, although you eat a lot at dinner, it is also important that you also eat food at mealtime, and not resort to fasting until dinner.

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