The Vice President of the Nation, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchnerconfirmed through his networks that this Thursday -from 6:00 p.m.- he will participate in the presentation of the Nestor Kirchner Justicialist School in it Argentine Theater of At payment. During the meeting, will offer a “master class” 20 years “from the election that transformed history”. In addition, it will treat the axes “The IMF and its historic recipe for inflation and recession” y “Political fragmentation and economic concentration”.

CFK’s appearance will take place days after the president Alberto Fernandez will communicate their decision not to appear for a PASO.

The act, which on Saturday was announced by the deputy maximum kirchnerwill be held to commemorate the 20th anniversary of April 27, 2003, when the general elections for President were held, which led to Nestor Kirchner to the presidency, with only 22.25% of the votes, because his competitor, Carlos Menem, decided not to run for ballot.

“I ask you to come to the Teatro Argentino de La Plata this April 27 to accompany Cristina, to give the present, be happy, fight, work, study, believe, give everything because those of us who are here will also give everything,” said the national deputy to the militancy this Saturday at the end of the extensive speech he gave to close the plenary “The City with Cristina” and thus made the act official, the organization of which was disclosed hours after Alberto Fernández’s decision.

The Vice President will thus reappear on the scene after the President’s announcement not to run for re-election, a decision that was encouraged by Kirchnerism but on which CFK has not yet expressed an opinion. In the midst of the dispute that divides the Frente de Todos, which must define whether it will lead a single candidate or settle its differences in the PASO, the word of the deputy president is highly awaited by the leadership that has been asking her to be the presidential candidate.

It is not the first time that Kirchnerism has chosen La Plata as the setting for announcements or transcendental political definitions. In 2005, Cristina Kirchner launched her candidacy for national senator for the province of Buenos Aires from the stage of the Sala Ginastera of the Teatro Argentino with which she would defeat Hilda “Chiche” Duhalde and in 2007 was also from there that he announced his launch as a candidate for the presidencycon Julio Cobos as vice (see the video). Both antecedents do nothing more than fuel expectations about a possible new launch.

But also, the Unique Stadium of La Plata and until the Bosque They were chosen in recent years as a space for acts, plenary sessions and speeches that ended up shaking the table. In it “Diego Armando Maradona”on December 18, 2020, Cristina launched her first public criticism of the Alberto Fernández cabinet when, in an act for the first year of management of Axel Kicillof He spoke of the officials who do not work and fired: “The ministers who are afraid or do not dare, go find another job”.

While on November 17 of last year, the Peronist militancy filled the Stadium to listen to the Vice President with expectations of the candidacy announcement. Despite the hopes they harbored, they left without announcing a candidacy for this 2023.

El Bosque de La Plata, meanwhile, was the place that the Frente de Todos chose in 2019 to close the campaign at the provincial level. There, on October 23, the then candidate for Governor, Axel Kicillof, shared the stage with his running mate, Veronica Magario; with the then vice-presidential candidate, and with the mayoral candidate, Florencia Saintout.


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