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Cristina Pedroche gives electricity to her Campanadas dress: There are things that move

Cristina Pedroche gives electricity to her Campanadas dress: There are things that move

Less than a week. There are fewer and fewer turns that the hands of the clock must make in order for them to reach the Chimes with which the country will say goodbye to this 2023. We will then say goodbye to an entire calendar and embrace the next one in a few seconds that pass quickly and in which it is difficult to notice anything other than nervousness. Although if there is something that shines in that fleeting moment, it is the resolution of a mystery that is already a tradition on domestic television: Cristina Pedroche’s dress.

The woman from Vallecano leaves clues from time to time like a passerby who throws breadcrumbs so as not to get lost along the way. However, now it has gone further by providing data that can be highly revealing: the use of electricity. This is what he pointed out in zappinga format of which she is a collaborator and in which year after year she usually gives away some of these revelations.

Some batteries are missing

On this occasion it was she herself who, without a direct question about said detail, confessed her curiosity: a few touches are missingshe said when questioned about the progress of the group, to which she added seconds later: They have to bring us some things from other places, we are missing some batteries.

The crowd burst into curiosity. And she couldn’t help but give another spoonful at the insistence of her fellow guests: I have already said that it is dynamic. There are things that move and some batteries are missing. In addition, she also stressed that, although she has already tried it on, she has to do it again because she was more swollen then. If not, the screw will have to be tightened morethe television joked.

There could not be missed questions about the location of the dress, carefully kept and guarded. It’s in pieceshe said, confirming that the last day is not high when all the parts of it come together and that there may even be touch-ups last minute Of course, she insists that the biggest fan of the dress, which she will wear lightsis located inside the house: It caught my daughter’s attention a lot.

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