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Cristina Pedroche: her most sincere publication after giving birth

Cristina Pedroche: her most sincere publication after giving birth

“A month ago today my daughter was born. And also, a month ago today I was born as a mother”. This is how the Instagram post begins in which Cristina Pedroche He has decided to be honest with all his followers about doubts and insecurities that motherhood is generating.

“Everything about her is perfect, wonderful and full of love. However, my postpartum is being intense. It’s not that I have good days and bad days, it’s that on the same day I have so many mood swings that it’s hard for me to be ‘stable’”the presenter candidly relates about the ups and downs that hormones cause in women who have just given birth.

“The girl is very good and hardly even cries, but when she does I feel like my soul is being scratched, as if it were being torn apart, it hurts in a place I didn’t even know existed. I cry a lot and most of the time I am not able to verbalize why”, he adds.

Panic to go out

Likewise, the one from Vallecas has also said that she is afraid to go out with the little girl. “This month I am not leaving the house at all, to walk for a while (always with her) and little else. I’m terrified of going out. That if the porter is well placed, If she cries and needs a breast, where do I put myself?if she is comfortable in the car, if the car seat is fine, if she will be hot or cold…”.

Something in which he is trying very hard to adapt. “Although I am working on it, the truth is that it is not being easy for me. Today, as it was his birthday, we went out to eat, and now We have taken a turn with the car. I clung to him as if my life depended on it (because I feel that way)on the curbs I practically caught the car on the fly so that the baby would not notice sudden changes ”.

“I know that I have to relax to enjoy myself more, but right now I feel happy because I see that little by little I am going to achieve it. We will get it. I don’t know how to thank all the people who are helping me and who are making me feel that I am not alone and that what happens to me and what I feel is completely normal.”, he adds.

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