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Cristina Pedroche strips naked to promote the Campanadas

Cristina Pedroche strips naked to promote the Campanadas

With just ten days to go until 2023 ends, the expectation about the figure of Cristina Pedroche grows more every day. In fact, The television presenter, the star of the formats of the last night of the year, will attend El Hormiguero on the night of December 21 to talk about the most coveted dress of the year.

But before moving to the sets on Alcal Street, the woman from Vallecano has shared a video on her Instagram account that could be understood, perhaps, as an attempt at a clue around her suit. completely naked, Pedroche walks through some place in nature where the green colors of the flora meet the blues and grays of the water.

The harmony of the trees, animals and insects is only broken when a white car appears with the song One Year More by Mecano on the radio. The presence of the car awakens Cristina from a kind of dream in which she was not aware of the day in which she lived. Then, a flashback occurs with all the dresses that the presenter has worn since in 2014 it became a tradition in itself every New Year’s Eve.

This year I am going to surprise

In statements collected by the page web of Antena 3, the protagonist has stressed her intention to improve every year. There are a lot of nerves, because every year I try to make it different and every year the nerves are there. ANDI’ve been giving the Chimes for ten years and I want to continue improving, and the only way to do it is to try to surprise a lot. This year I’m going to surprise, whether you like it is something else, he explained.

Trying not to give too many clues, Pedroche has revealed that he gives many clues during the year without people knowing that they are clues. Throughout the year I say little things that anyone who is smart will have caught it. This year I’m going to wear a color that I’ve never worn before.has settled.

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