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Cristina Pedroche’s New Year’s Chimes 2024 dress: I am Mother Nature

Cristina Pedroche's New Year's Chimes 2024 dress: I am Mother Nature

These are special bells for Cristina Pedroche. They are the first being a mother. And the dress once again raises controversy and awakens all kinds of comments. I am mother nature. The cape is life, 100% wool, the red is amaranth and nasturtiums. They eat. It is a jewel that I wear on my head, a necklace, I wear it on my forehead so that it gives light and helps us achieve our wishes, as Cristina herself defined it 10 minutes before midnight struck.

And a minute before the grapes he took off his coat and oh surprise: I am a wave, I am the water. A transparent, biodegradable dress, sea blue, very transparent, very her. The styling pieces They are designed by Paula Ulargui with 100% organic, recycled and biodegradable materials that seek to make visible the need for a change in water management policies in Spain, the driest country in Europe and where droughts are expected to be ten times worse than the current ones.


And viral was the message that Cristina Pedroche excitedly sent to everyone in collaboration with Greenpeace. She was focused on water and the planet: I ask in 2023 that we have to protect water, to do so is to protect ourselves. Without water there is no future. It is our responsibility to take care of the planet. Taking care of water is taking care of our present is betting on life and speaking life is remembering that I have been able to give life. And I want to pay tribute to the mothers, who gave us life, who water us, who love us unconditionally, who we love. We are on borrowed time on this land, let’s take care of it as if our lives depended on it. Let’s save the water.

This is how grapes are taken

And he told his secret to eating grapes without choking: I take a bite and pa inside. I’ve been doing well for several years now.

Josie, your creative director

Josie, the creative director and friend of Pedroche, has explained how this idea arose and why he has chosen the chimes of 2024 as the ideal time to spread this message about water: For Cristina and me, 2023 has been a year of many changes. In the case of Cristina, this is the year of the birth of her first daughter, while for me it has meant a transcendental life change by returning forever to La Mancha humeda where I was born. This coming into contact with my land and its waters, as an essential element for existence and putting it in common with Cristina, has led us to the conceptual idea of ​​creating a dress that, when watered with water, can take on a life of its own, a key challenge. design that, in addition, allowed us to send this hopeful message in which to make visible the need to preserve this element so fundamental for our lives and, above all, for future ones.


Clues given in recent days

In Zapeando he said that he was going to wear a color that I have never worn before. Ten years of Chimes and I have never worn red, he was referring to amaranth. In the promotional video there was a lightning bolt (three times and tattooed on his wrist) which could suggest that there would be a tribute to the football team, of which he is a declared fan, but that was not the case. And a four, in reference to the Puerta del Sol clock, which is poorly written, and which is due to a theory coming from superstition, since the four, instead of using IIII, should be used as IV, which are also the first two letters of Jupiter (IUPITER, in Latin), and which, if used, could be considered inappropriate and blasphemous.

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