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Cristina Pérez starred in the reunion that many expected

Cristina Perez She is one of the most respected journalists in the world of politics, and the proof is that she is the host of one of the most watched newscasts on Argentine television and also has her own radio program.

However, the host of “Telefe Noticias” has not gone through this medium without any controversy behind her, and without a doubt one of the most remembered was her great fight with Baby Etchecopar in a radio pass. Even this fight between Cristina Perez and the journalist reopened the crack that Marcelo Longobardi and Jorge Lanata started one day.

In that conflict on the air, Cristina Perez She had refused to “get into bed” with a well-known Kirchnerist politician, and therefore, Baby Etchecopar accused her of being “very naïve” and of living in a world of fantasies. The relationship between the two ended very badly and while the presenter preferred not to go on the air, Viviana Canosa’s enemy did take advantage of the cameras to express her point of view.

Finally, after much running water, Rodolfo Barili’s partner and Baby met again in an unexpected meeting to coordinate what would be Radio Rivadavia’s end-of-year show. The happiness of both in this photo caught the attention of many followers and made it clear that, at the moment, everything seems to be calm.

The story was published by Cristina Pérez and caught the attention of many followers.

The look of Cristina Pérez that generated controversy

Apart from her last cover in the magazine ‘Gente’, where she wore very elegant green dresses, the figure of Telefe He was on everyone’s lips a few weeks ago for a very sensual black outfit that he used for Rodolfo Barili’s wedding.

With this photograph, Cristina Pérez modeled the great outfit with which she attended the Barili party.

It should be noted that the pronounced neckline at the wedding of his partner drew attention, with whom he was romantically linked on many occasions. An important fact is that both denied having ever been in a love relationship.

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