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Cuban actor Yaniel Castillo stages if Eusebio Leal had lived in Miami


The Cuban actor Yaniel Castillo, known in the networks for imitate presenter Alexander Otaolahas done his thing again on Instagram, this time staging what would have happened if Eusebio Leal had lived in Miami.

The artist uploaded a video perfectly imitating the voice and some gestures of the deceased Cuban historian when it showed a place that had a story behind it.

The funniest thing is that the video does not revolve around any space in Old Havana, but talks about the so-called efficiency in Miami, those small apartments with very few rooms that are usually the most affordable to rent in that city.

“Right now we are here in one of the first efficiencies in Hialeah. This efficiency, for example, is between 2,000 and 2,500 dollars, a rent that, as Martí said, is everyone’s rent, the rent that is paid little by little here in Miami, Hialeah above all”, he can be heard saying.

With a calm very similar to that of Eusebio, even taking the pauses that he used to make in his speeches, Yaniel walks in front of the efficiency and ends up sitting in front of it as if it were a heritage building.

As expected, the actor dropped some hints about Miami at the end of the video: “The city that progresses, a city of card holders, gogoceras, and that’s why we are here, in one of the first efficiencies in Miami.”

Demonstrating the humor that characterizes him, Yaniel touched on the subject of rents in Miami, a concern in that city for those who do not have their own home and every day see increase rental priceswhich forces many to rent these so-called efficiency that are more adapted to their income.

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