Cuban journalist praises pro-Castro and anti-Semitic activist in New York

MIAMI- The Cuban journalist Carla Colomé Santiago stated in a article published by the Spanish newspaper El País his sympathy towards a pro-Castro and anti-Semitic activist in New York.

Colomé, who studies at the City University of New York (CUNY), wrote an article for the Spanish newspaper El País, in which he condemned the New York police action for supposedly evicting camps at universities, where they were protesting against “cooperation with Israel”.

Carla Colomé Santiago / Facebook publication article El País – Screenshot/Facebook/ Carla Colomé Santiago

Announcement by Carla Colomé Santiago on her Facebook account of the publication of her article in El País.

Screenshot/Facebook/ Carla Colomé Santiago

Colomé’s support for these acts of protest, which interrupted academic operations, ignores the acts of violence and vandalism that led to the eviction. The Cuban journalist describes the camp as historical, but omits the anti-Semitic content and incitement to hatred towards Israel.

It should be noted that the Cuban communicator visited these student camps, where she met with the “socialist agitator” Danny Shaw, expelled from CUNY for inciting harassment against Israelis.

Colomé revealed in his article his affinity with this individual, stating that the activist is a supposed university professor who lived in Havana. Thus ignoring Shaw’s connections with communist regimes in his article.

The Cuban woman expressed after her meeting with this activist: “Shaw’s conscience ignited mine.”.

Who is Danny Shaw?

The journalist and editor of People en Español, Joaquín Badajoz, rejected the article prepared by Colomé, ensuring that Danny Shaw He is a political activist who has ties to the Cuban regime.

“Danny Shaw is a university professor what I am a cosmonaut. He is a professional political activist who has been in charge of indoctrinating young people in classrooms for decades. Dreaming about the destruction of the United States and its institutions gives him orgasms,” said Badajoz.

Badajoz stated that just a year ago Shaw offered a conference in which he described the Cuban regime as one of “dignity and self-determination.”

For his part, the Cuban exile José Luis Bermello also rejected Colomé’s publication, describing Shaw as “a communist, organizer of the Party for Socialism and Liberation.”

According to Bermello, Shaw lived in Cuba for several years and has ties to communist regimes such as China and Vietnam.

Likewise, the Cuban in exile lamented: “this is the leftist opposition that they want to sell us, which is nothing more than another small group of enlightened people determined to build true socialism this time and keep us enslaved in the name of equality, diversity and environmentalism; “We are fixed!”

Embed – Canary Mission on Instagram: “Danny Shaw, an antisemitic adjunct lecturer at John Jay College CUNY since 2007, has been fired. On Oct 16, 2023, Shaw tweeted (then deleted): “These Zi^nists are straight Babylon swine. We need to protest their neighborhoods…Why are you racist arrogant bullies? You think you are better than others? Zionism is beyond a mental illness; it’s genocidal disease.” “

Source: With information from Cubans around the World

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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