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"Cupid"by Charly & Johayron and El Taiger, at number one in Havana and Miami

If there is a song that is currently very popular among lovers of the urban genre in Havana and Miami, it is “Cupido”, the musical collaboration between Charly & Johayron y the taiger.

The popular Cuban duo celebrated on their official Instagram profile that the song is at number one of the most listened to in both cities.

“We are not the closest, we are the ones who want the most. Number one in Miami and in Havana, let’s go for more!” the young singers assured.

In one of their stories on that social network, Charly & Johayron assured that since the topic came out, it was ranked first in the Cuban capital and only spent a week at number two in the country before reaching the top.

Captura Instagram / Charly & Johayron

The three artists premiered “Cupid” at the end of April along with a video clip with the charly and The Taiger in Miami and Johayron from Cuba.

In just over a month the song has more than 3.8 million views on YouTube.

The artists they sang it together live for the first time last May during one of Charly & Johayron’s concerts in Havana in which El Taiger was also present.

However, this is not the only song by Charly & Johayron that is booming, “My Liar” It already has 8 million views on YouTube.

Captura Instagram / Charly & Johayron

For this year the young artists are also planning a tour of several cities in the United States and although the dates are still unknown, many of his followers are waiting.

But while the tour arrives here we leave you once again with “Cupid”:

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