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Curiosities about cherries, the fruits originating from the Caspian Sea

The cherries They are one of the most precious fruits both in gastronomy and in the field of health and nutrition. Its fruit is red in color and comes from a tree linked to the Rosaceae family.

This fruit whose scientific name is Prunus cerasus and the difference with other species is that it does not ripen outside the tree, but the only way is to wait to harvest at the right time. For the Greeks, the cherry It was a symbol of beauty.

Its stone has cyanide.

One of the most curious facts about the cherries is that its stone contains cyanide, so its consumption is not recommended. Generally, thrives in temperate climatesalthough in Argentina those grown in southern Patagonia are famous.

Regarding health, this plant variety provides vitamins A and C in our diet. So much so that, according to studies, a cup of juice reduces muscle inflammation and is ideal for those who practice marathons.

It is ideal to combine and include in chocolate cakes.

It is ideal for those who suffer from insomnia because it contains melatonin. The recommended thing, according to medical professionals, is to drink juice at breakfast and one hour before going to sleep.

Its antioxidant properties are so high because it has large amounts of ellagic acid and flavonoids. Strengthens the immune system because of the anthocyanins that act as an antibacterial substance.

Its origin was in the Middle East area.

Ideal for diabetics

The cherryBesides being beautiful to look at and ideal for decorating and including in cakes, it is perfect for people with diabetes. This is in response to its low glycemic content. In addition, it helps memory, according to the American Association against Alzheimer’s.

It can only be harvested when it is ripe.

In the United States, most of the production occurs on the Pacific Coast, from California to the State of Washington. In Argentina, the cherries produced in the Upper Valley of Río Negro and Neuquén are exported to the most demanding markets.

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