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Curiosities about the hornero, the bird that builds its nest with mud

It is an example of construction. The baker It is a typical bird of our country, although it can also be found in Bolivia, Uruguay, Brazil and Paraguay. Some know him as Alonsito, Casero, Tiluchi or Juan del Barro, among others.

This Furnarius Rufus, such is its scientific name, is attractive because of its size, but mainly because of the way it makes its nest. The baker He has incredible skill in handling clay and the materials to build his home.

In the field it is a sign of good omens.

Also, the baker He is characterized by being extremely restless. He has a particular way of walking, which is when he is in charge of collecting the elements that he will need for his house, a mud construction who managed to inspire artists and singers.

For people who live in the country, the appearance of a nest of this bird near their land is a guarantee that they will be protected from pests. It is a faithful companion of farmers, since it usually haunts the fields to eat insects.

The nest is built by the pair.

For a long time it was believed that it makes the nest with its beak and legs. The truth is that he uses his beak to assemble it, but with his chest he “fratachas” it. He stands in the center and with his mouth lifts the walls. The size of your house corresponds to your body.

They are very territorial and hate those who come to attack them. So much so that if he finds a rodent or other bird in his home, he does not hesitate and immediately seals the nest with the animal inside and prepares to build another.

It usually builds the nest on light poles.

an orderly job

The baker It is surrounded by a wide variety of curiosities. One of the best known and which some consider to be proven is that they do not work on Sundays. According to bird watchers, they go about their business every day, but on Sunday they only look for food.

It is the most hard-working of birds.

His house withstands winds and storms. There are even cases in which they built a nest on top of another. However, it is unknown why he does not use it again the following year. Possibly it is to avoid being in contact with the hosted parasites.

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