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Curiosities about the stork, the large bird that nests in the heights

The storks They are some of the most picturesque birds on the planet and are even part of a story about how babies come into the world. Beyond that, his life is attractive and he keeps endless secrets.

Among the curiosities that are known about this migratory bird, there is one that has to do with their nests. Year after year, the same couple of storks returns to the same nest; he places such a quantity of sticks and branches that his house can reach 2 meters in diameter and weigh a ton.

Their eggs are slightly larger than those of chickens.

Another of the striking data of the storks is that they usually lay four eggs on average although, in some cases, up to seven eggs were recorded. These are white in color and are a little larger than a chicken.

The relations between the members of the couple of this hack It is very particular since they have joint custody. Both the male and the female have a brood plate on their abdomen.

When it flies, it extends its neck.

Like other birds that hatch from eggs, stork chicks have teeth in their beaks. Just like certain reptiles and birds, at birth, they have a tooth in their beak to break the egg shell.

The diet is based on special porridges. What they eat when they are newborns is a kind of puree that the parents regurgitate. They can only go off to eat on their own when they learn to peck at solids.

Stork nests occupy towers or the top of buildings.

precocity in flight

One might think that, in order to fly, the storks they must practice a lot and wait a long time. However, scholars were able to observe that they are capable of flapping their wings in a month; They practice flying at two and, at 3 months, they are already independent.

As children, they have a black beak.

The plumage changes as it grows. As young, their legs and bill are dark gray, almost black. The beak is clearing and turning red. On the other hand, male and female are the same in shape, color or size.

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