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Curiosities of the kiwi, the New Zealand bird that has no wings

Although the figures of the koala and the kangaroo are known as emblems from Oceania, there is another animal that is one of the most exotic on the planet and that has very different characteristics from the rest of the animal species. We talk about Kiwi.

The Kiwi It is a bird that, with its beak, its feathers that resemble hair and its legs, integrates the group of rare animals. This bird is the national symbol of New Zealand and is an endemic variety where it has lived for thousands of years.

The kiwi is a monogamous bird.

It is presumed that the Kiwi It comes from the island of Madagascar and from there, by art of isolation from the rest of the world, some very curious species were generated. In this case, It has wings but they are very small and they are not good for flying..

the body of this member of the animal kingdom it does not have a keel, which is the part where the muscles that allow it to fly are attached. Its wings are only three centimeters long and are very close to the body.

The male is in charge of incubating the egg.

However, its legs are much stronger and more resistant than the others. The kiwi has bones with marrow, which makes its skeleton much heavier than that of flying birds.

There are five varieties of this species. They can reach 45 centimeters in height and weigh around 3 kilos, although there are a little more than one kilo. Curiously, The females are bigger than the males.

It eats seeds, fruits and also worms.

nice but not so much

Beyond the appearance of the kiwis It is picturesque, it should be noted that it is very territorial and aggressive. They are not easily photographed and it is preferable to observe them to have a memory image, but from afar.

The fruit that has the same name is native to Asia.

In addition, it is nocturnal habits. This means that their senses of smell and hearing are highly developed, but not so much that of sight. It rarely has feathers that resemble the hair of mammals, which helps them to camouflage themselves among the vegetation of their habitat.

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