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Da Weasel are back “to stay” and this year there is an exhibition

“Os Da Weasel are here to stay. But we are currently deciding, analyzing – harassment is also very high. Enthusiasm abounds. And when you feel affection, naturally you can’t stay here”, said the musician João Nobre (Jay), in an interview with Lusa, regarding the edition of the group’s biography, “Da Weasel — A page of history”, by Ana Ventura .

Da Weasel, a band founded in 1993 by the brothers João and Carlos Nobre (Carlão) announced in 2009 a break in their career, which a year later would end up becoming permanent.

In July of last year, the six elements of the group – Jay, Pacman (whom the public now knows as Carlão), Virgul, Guilhas, Quaresma and DJ Glue – got together for a concert at the Alive festival, in Oeiras, thus marking the return of the group to the stage, initially scheduled for 2020.

The day of the festival that had the band as headliner sold out, and a new concert was later announced, this time for July this year at the Marés Vivas festival, in Vila Nova de Gaia.

As for what will happen next, Jay says that “everything is open, because there are elements (of the band) that have their own life”.

“Therefore, there are a number of factors here to counterbalance, to weigh”, he said, recalling that “the return (if) provided because (if) they resolved a series of things definitively”.

“We’ve already announced the return, we’re in the process of enjoying ourselves, of seeing how things evolve and go. We’re really enjoying it, feeling that affection, so after Marés Vivas you’ll soon see it, soon you’ll decide what’s going to happen do, at all levels,” he said.

Over time, the band carried out a “survey of pieces, objects, rarities, which will give rise to a mega-exhibition, to be announced shortly”.

According to Jay, “unbelievable things” will be shown. “We ourselves were surprised by some pieces and some objects, of tremendous richness. It was an exhaustive survey, of everything that could be of interest. It was done, it is done, and I am anxious for us to be able to live this moment, this celebration, which it will be public, it will be for everyone”, he said.

Da Weasel’s discography includes six studio albums, one EP and two live DVDs, which include songs such as “Good Bless Johnny”, “Dúia”, “Now and forever (the passion)”, “Ressaca”, “Dou him with the soul”, “Dialects of tenderness” and “Tás cool”.

According to Jay, “there were things to publish”. “There are some rarities, some pearls, that were left in the drawer. Let’s see what can come of it”, he said, explaining that “there isn’t even material for an EP, let alone an album”.

Asked about the possibility of creating new music, Jay replied: “It is not a politically correct answer, but as long as we have all this to process, to think about, to reactivate and to activate, we will not even think about new music”.

“This return 12 years later was so difficult, on a technical level, so difficult on so many levels, because we had to go to the trunk, ‘reset’ a lot of things, to go back there and find what the routines were, how we performed the things,” he explained.

Jay, for example, had to “relearn hundreds of chords, so as not to disappoint people, who were used to seeing a certain sequence of movements, of interactivity”. “There is so much to solve, that it doesn’t even leave us room to think about creating”, he reiterated.

Also Read: “A Page in the History” of Da Weasel Told in Biography Edited Today

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