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Dani Alves requests immediate release from prison

Dani Alves requests immediate release from prison

Dani Alves wants to get out of prison immediatelyafter being sentenced to four and a half years in prison, in addition to another five years of supervised freedom, removal and incommunication with the victim for nine years and six months, and compensation of 150,000 and payment of the costs of the trial, for the crime. of sexual assault that he committed on the night of December 30, 2022 in the bathroom of the private room of the Sutton nightclub in Barcelona

This is clear from the movements of your lawyerIns Guardiola, who, according to information from The newspaper, He has once again requested his release from prison while the period of time elapses in which appeals to the conviction are processed. dictated by the Court of Barcelona.

Ms informacin

  • The same day he received the sentence that condemned him to four and a half years in prison for sexual assault, the Treasury agreed with him in other procedures that added up to that amount.

The Prosecutor’s Office and Alves’ defense have already presented their appeal briefs and the one corresponding to the private accusation is missing, which is the one that represents the young complainant. Guardiola has requested a hearing with the parties to resolve the issue of the footballer’s release from prison, which could be held at the end of this week.when the period to appeal expires.

Penalty reduction

Likewise, Guardiola not only has requested the immediate departure of Dani Alves from the Brians 2 prison in Barcelona, ​​where he has been since January of last year, but also absolutionagain alleging that the sexual relations between the player and the complainant were consensual.

On the other hand, the lawyer also wants the 150,000 euros that the Brazilian paid already before the beginning of the process for compensation for a then hypothetical civil liability to the victim for the moral and emotional damages caused be considered a very qualified defense that reduces the sentence to up to a year and a half in prison, which would leave him on the streetsince he has almost fulfilled it.

Nevertheless, The fiscal who has been in charge of the process, for his part, has asked that the sentence not remain at four and a half years, but that This mitigating factor is not considered to repair the damage and increase it, since neither has he acknowledged the attack nor has he apologized to the victim.. A brief similar to the one that will be presented by Ester García, the young woman’s lawyer, who also wants the punishment of the former Barcelona player to be increased.

The Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) will be the one that must decide on these appeals of the parties in the coming months. and they can also file another appeal to the Supreme Court again.

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